I would appreciate any input anyone might have for the following problem:
Describe the worst-case time complexity, measured in terms of comparisons, of the following searching algorithm:

(x: increasing integer a1, a2, a3.... an)
i=1//left end point
j=n//right end point
while (i<j)
t=[ (i+j/3) ]
if ( x < t )
else if (x<2*t)
if x= ai then location i
else location = 0

This looks like a variation on binary search. It divides the range a1..an into three equal pieces (roughly) and uses two comparisons to determine in which third x lies. The worst case occurs (I think) if x is not on the list and also if x = a(n-1). The number of points ai in each interval is, after cutting the interval into 3 parts k times, about n/(3^k). I'll leave the rest to you.

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