I have been trying for a while to find an idea for a good project. I have anbout eight months of time to work on it and I am trying to find a project that is preety complex and fairly original. I have been trying for months to think of a new idea that i could dedicate my tome to. If anyone has any idea at all that might be new and helpful please post it. Thanks.

I'm also searching some new topics to do a good project. I have much enough time to do, but searching for any genuine ideas. Some new ideas are there like "future vision" and " crime free city" but not able to explore these clearly. I need someones help. Please help.

It will probably depend on your education level -- are you college freshman or going for a Ph.D.? The difficulty of any project will depend on that.

Is this for a computer language course (which one) or something else?

I'm also searching some new topics to do a good project. I have much enough time to do, but searching for any genuine ideas. Some new ideas are there like "future vision" and " crime free city" but not able to explore these clearly. I need someones help. Please help.

Here is the idea on implementing crime free city , every one will get attached few pinching sensors to him/her at birth , the sensor will be able to detect few seconds before the person is going to commit a crime and it will keep on pinching the guy unless he stops thinking about doing the crime :D

i agree with paradox. Sourceforge is the best place for getting ideas on projects.

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