Hello Everyone,


Yahoo Small Business Domain.
MySQL Version:- 4.1.14
phpMyAdmin Version:-

The problem I'm facing is that I've a created a database in phpmyadmin and there are two users:- one is the username I created for myself and the other is yroot. I can't grant the username I created all privileges. I get the following error:-

#1044 - Access denied for user 'UserName'@'localhost' to database '%'

The reason why I'm creating a database is to install Wordpress. I've installed WAMP Server in my PC and created a database and successfully installed wordpress. However this is my first try on a domain and Yahoo Support Team hasn't been of any help, I'm hoping I'll find some help here.


You have to grant privileges separately to any localhost users. By default there is a rule in the privileges table which denies all privileges to any user at localhost. To grant privileges to localhost users you have to grant them explicitly with "GRANT ... TO `someone`@`localhost`". And don't forget the "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" afterwards.

Thanks Smantscheff for the help. I don't have much experience with phpmyadmin so I really don't know how to implement what you said but I've found this article which I think explains the procedure to implement what you mentioned:-


I'll try to follow this method but if I get stuck somewhere hope you'll help me out.

Install a local copy of Mysql server on your machine and try to solve the problem with the command line client (mysqladmin and mysql). Chances are that you will have a better understanding of privileges afterwards which you can then utilize using phpMyAdmin.

Thanks, I really appreciate your suggestion. I had no luck till now trying to fix the problem, there is no option to reset or uninstall the mysql database in Yahoo because I could have tried a clean install and see if the problem still persists. Another problem is that I can't login using the username "root", my understanding so far is that the root user has all privileges and it'll be possible to create a database and grant other users all privileges if I'm logged in as root user, what do you think?

Hi Smantscheff,

Thanks for your support, I fixed the problem, I just deleted the mysql database and reinstalled it and everything seems to be ok now. I'm posting the following for users who may be facing similar problems in Yahoo domain.

To delete Yahoo mysql database go to the cPanel - Manage - File Manager - Open Database Utilities - now in the url will have a address like this (https://p.secure.in.webhosting.yahoo.com/db/?ssc=in1) - just before the question mark type 'delete' without the apostrophe and that's it the mysql database will be deleted. Doing a clean install will usually fix the problem.

WOW! RJ_Dev Thanks so much it worked! You are a genius!

hi smantscheff,

thanks for your support, i fixed the problem, i just deleted the mysql database and reinstalled it and everything seems to be ok now. I'm posting the following for users who may be facing similar problems in yahoo domain.

To delete yahoo mysql database go to the cpanel - manage - file manager - open database utilities - now in the url will have a address like this (https://p.secure.in.webhosting.yahoo.com/db/?ssc=in1) - just before the question mark type 'delete' without the apostrophe and that's it the mysql database will be deleted. Doing a clean install will usually fix the problem.

thanks a million!

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