hi,. if anyone related to flash pls contact me. i make a tic -tac-toe game in flash i have phase some pls if anyone related pls contact me.

I'm a bit confused... you are wanting to help people with making a tic tac toe game???

Pls Explain.

no. i m a new in flash and for a practice i make a game tic-tac-toe. i have been first make this game in fla.where it works, but somtimes problem occur when i attach zero or cross in first row and last row becuse when i click first cordinate moveclip also attach in last row.i have change the cordinate 4-5 times but it not work properly. if it possible pls help me.

oh, right, i understand now....

i can't help you, sorry....

i know there are heaps of people here that will help you soon here on the forum.

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