Alright, I'm a novice in programming DirectX but very adept at c++ in general, and I really want to learn how DirectX works!

I borrowed a book from the local library called "Windows Game Programming for Dummies". Seeing as I'm dumber than a Dummie, I really didn't understand the chapter about "plotting a pixel"; I gave it several tries, but no matter how I did it, it didn't write out a measly pixel! (The stupid library didn't include the CD with the example code, so I can't even study that! :( )

Now this could be because the color used when plotting it was white, I don't really know.
Anyone have a good link for a really good and basic tutorial on how to plot a pixel with DirectX?
Anyone care to show how it is done?

You may want to look at some of the resources posted here in the FAQ thread.

I've already looked through that post, alas, I've yet to find a tutorial with great quality. Most of the tutorials just skim through the important parts and just display the code (and some don't even do that!)

I mean, how am I supposed to learn something if I get insufficient information?
DirectX 3D tutorial.

I know how to create a window and start the DirectX in fullscreen mode. That's it. Where do I go from here? Seriously. I'm really frustrated.

In DirectDraw (2D api) you could set pixels directly, I've not used either for a long time, and I'm pretty sure that DirectDraw was discontinued a while back.

This kind of thing is going to be the way to go in DirectX:;article=20

Basically, DirectDraw (used to?) be a 2D API with fast functions for blitting and pixel plotting in absolute screen coordinates, DirectX is a 3D API, so you get most efficiency talking to it in terms of 3D primitives ( points, lines, triangles, etc ), textures, and transforms.

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