Hi guys. I'd like to learn how to make games. I'm on a mac, so I suppose I'd like to learn how to make it on a mac. I know java pretty darn well and I'm not to shabby in C++. I've also got a large book on openGL. I know I'm still really far away from getting beyond a fun snake game, but what steps should I take to learn how to make entertaining 3D games. This is what I would think:

1) Get better at C++
2) Learn OpenGL
3) Game programming strategies

Is XCode alright for making games in?

I'd really appreciate any ideas,websites, or books on how to go about with this.


To start brushing up on your C/C++ skills, I would recommend practicing some of the techniques taught at http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html. Or check out the "Starting C" thread in the C/C++ forum. Once you're fairly confident with the more advanced techniques, you should go right into OpenGL. You'll probably want to use GLUT for your windowing, so that not only is your code portable, it's also much simpler. You can find more information on starting OpenGL on a Mac in the sticky at the top of this forum.

You also don't need to worry about learning Cocoa/Carbon for Mac OS X, because GLUT kind of abstracts you from that lower-level stuff, allowing you to concentrate on the important part: OpenGL.

> Is XCode alright for making games in?
You're darn right Xcode is good for making games. It's what the professionals use to create Mac games nowadays (and pretty well any kind of Mac program), so it's probably a good idea to use it.

In case you haven't already noticed, I have a Mac, and although I'm no game programming expert, I'll probably be able to help you out if you get stuck. So don't hesitate to post here.

Hope this helps

Yeah, thats pretty much exactly what I was looking for. I learned a little bit of C/C++ but I should definetely read over the site you gave me to fill in the holes, and then go on to openGl.


i too am on a mac and taking game design courses. xcode works great! i'd also recommend the following:

SubEthaEdit is a very nice, slim text collaborative text editor, and you can get a non-commercial license of the last version for free. i actually stopped using emacs when i discovered this little gem.

and you can get a non-commercial license of the last version for free.

Doesn't seem like it anymore. It actually looks pretty cool, so I tried to find a way to get the noncommercial license, unfortunately it states on this webpage:

SubEthaEdit used to be free for non-commercial use, but now is $35

$35 for a decent editor isn't much.
There are far more expensive ones out there...

These are some of the most well-known tutorials for indy game developers who are just starting out with OGL.

Aside from fundamentals strictly related to game design, I can't help you much more. I do all my game coding on Windows with DX. (although I really need to start learning lwjgl with java)

Actually, that's a good idea. Since you know java pretty well you say, why not try using OGL with http://lwjgl.org/

You'll be able to focus more on game structure fundamentals and spend less time worrying about your code syntax due to a new language.

Asalm o alkum, Can any buddy give me an idea of how can I begin my game programming with opengl es in xcode... because I am new in using opengl es in xcode, and I have no any expereience in this opengl field.. IF you have any material regarding this then send it to mail id...


If you have any answer regarding this then send it to me....ok...

No more question..I am facing problem in opengl and I dont want any joke ... if you have any totorial then reply otherwise don't reply.,

If you have any answer regarding this then send it to me....ok...

No more question..I am facing problem in opengl and I dont want any joke ... if you have any totorial then reply otherwise don't reply.,

Or perhaps you could start your own thread and 'tell' people what to do... and without explaining anything with regards to what your problem is, you'll get very little help, regardless of rudeness.


Flamewar prevention: closed.

@chandaboy: Read the rules, then you would have known:

Do not hijack old threads by posting a new question as a reply to an old one
Do not write in all uppercase or use "leet", "txt" or "chatroom" speak

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