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The following Python 2.7 Calendar program works nicely with a Frame and a Panel, but when I try to change to change the Frame to an MDIParentFrame and the Panel to an MDIChildFrame (or MDIClientWindow) I cannot get it to work. I went to this because I had trouble getting … Software Development python | |
Python-wxPython Tutorial This tutorial will take you through the basics of wxPython. ##Introduction: Let's face it. I am a dinosaur. I got my computer science degree in the mid 70s. And it won't be long before **I** am in **my** mid 70s. So why am I trying to learn Python? … Software Development python | |
| Is there a way to search a drive's files only for a specific file format, then display them to the user (and stored somewhere to be used later)? Maybe with the Shell, but I don't know how to use it very well. At the moment, I have a dropdown to … Software Development microsoft visual-basic |
two error come of (strcpy was not declare in this scope) would any one show me, hw to remove this error, ... plz Project Title: Student Record & Registration using Linked list Description: This project is a Linked List application. If you would like to refresh you knowledge about linked … Software Development c++ linked-list python | |
Hi friends. Please tell me how to display a image file on the screen in C? If u r kind to me, send the code snippet. Software Development c | |
Hi this is my question , and I have some error in my code ,and I cant correct them ,and I am asking if you could help me ? this is the question : Create a class called BloodDonor that maintains information about blood donors in a blood bank having … Software Development c++ | |
| I have three problems the first one is to count the letters in a string in Assambler in MIPS. the string that should be counted is "My bird is a happy bird and he like to sing" .data ANTAL_TAL: .word 11 TAL_ARRAY: .word 1, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 6, … Software Development assembly |
Mr.X owns a small business in a region with poor law-and-order. Recently his warehouse has been plagued by thieves. Gangs of thieves raid over his warehouse from time to time, stealing his raw material, affecting his business. He has studied the occurrences and noticed it that they are cyclical. Assuming … | |
My experience with C# is very very limited and a simple python program like the one I'm trying to convert is beyond my experience in C#. If anyone knows of any converters or is willing to help me out I would greatly appreciate it! class ByteReader(object): """ Reads bytes from … | |
'call it like List1.Clear List1.AddItem RDMature(Val(Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text), Val(Text3.Text), 12) List1.AddItem RDMature(Val(Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text), Val(Text3.Text), 2) List1.AddItem RDMature(Val(Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text), Val(Text3.Text), 4) List1.AddItem RDMature(Val(Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text), Val(Text3.Text), 1) Software Development microsoft-access visual-basic | |
I am using windows media player 9 and set the stretchtofit property to true.I find black areas on left and right side of video.My system has windows 10 and is set to 1280X720 resolution. I am using vs 2013. ![Sample.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/45c8397429d9a2648379e71e0fa77848.jpg) | |
I'm in the process of developing a free open source online platform/course for complete beginners to teach themselves coding in Python. See https://github.com/alexmojaki/futurecoder for more information or try out the demo at https://futurecoder.herokuapp.com/. It's completely interactive and has several awesome features, including three dedicated debuggers, gradual hinting and solution revelation, … Software Development python | |
Hi, I have a bit of a problem of understanding of what I need to do to write this program. Could someone please provide me basic steps of what I should do? Or an example, I"m good at relating and following examples. I believe this is my last assignment for … Software Development java | |
So im actually creating a fastfood menu in which save how many times a button been clicked as a variable. So I can multiply it to its value. For example if i click btnChicken a variable will count how many btnChicken been clicked then it will multplied on the amount … | |
Hi there, I've come across an issue while trying to get all the records from a SQL database in java. A bit of necessary introduction here. I'm not using any framework just JDBC and the getAllBooks method is part of a REST call. The failing method is essentially doing this: … | |
public bool Kayit_Ekle() { sorgu = string.Format("Insert Into [{0}] ([SERVİS FORM NO],[ÇAĞRI NO]) Values ({1},{2})", sheet, formno,cagrino); cmd = new OleDbCommand(sorgu, Baglan()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@{2}",cagrino); int etkilenen = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (etkilenen == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } Hello there, I am writing recording program with c … Software Development c# | |
hi everybody, I was trying to read a certain range from column in excel into an array in c# then to write it back in another column(as a matter of a simple trial), where the column is written into textbox3, the start of the range is written in texbox1 & … Software Development c# microsoft-office | |
Hi, I created an application in VS 2008,If i run my application in Client machine it shows an error like 'could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs Version''.Kindly refer any link which is easy to download and install. Software Development vb.net | |
After minimize the window disappear from taskbar and i can't set that again as it's looping...Is there any other way to minimize or fix that. watch inline code examples. from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk import time from ctypes import windll GWL_EXSTYLE = -20 WS_EX_APPWINDOW = 0x00040000 … | |
I have been having nothing but trouble trying to get C# to read excel. I haven't even gotten to the writing part, but I imagine it's going to be a challenge, too. FYI, I'm pretty new at this, and don't have a ton of experience, so I'm sure I'm missing … Software Development c# microsoft microsoft-office | |
Need help in getting the value inputed in the text box to work for if-else. I also program that the textbox will only alow numeric characters. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace OrderingSystem { public partial class … | |
Here is what i get when compiling py to exe using cx_Freeze... I used Admin cmd too... but it keep give me this error.. how can I make it right...please help me with this. C:\Windows\system32>"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python38-32\\python.exe" "E:\\New folder\\Python Player\\Setup.py" build running build running build_exe pygame 1.9.6 Hello from the … | |
I need a program that takes my btnChicken_Click event (when being clicked) and save it as a variable. I know my programs trash but really need it. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Fatfood { public partial … Software Development c++ visual-studio | |
Dear the gurus; I am a developing a small program for voting of about 5 candidates. The program should compute and return the candidates and their total tallied votes. If a voter enters a number outside 1-5 it should count it as faulty vote. I have the following program but … Software Development c++ | |
I make the windows form on which on a single button click performs like this ' private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Excel.Application exapp=null; Excel.Workbook exbook=null; Excel.Worksheet exsheet = null; object misvalue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; exapp = new Excel.Application(); exapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1; exbook = exapp.Workbooks.Add(misvalue); exsheet = (Excel.Worksheet)exbook.Worksheets.get_Item(1); exsheet.Cells[1, 1] … Software Development c# | |
Hey guys, im sort of working on little project and i have these picturebox arrays, so when button1(capture) is pressed the image in the [drawing]picturebox is set to the image of the picturebox[i], then when you press play, it repeats all the images captured eg if i = 100, it … Software Development vb.net | |
Hello guys, how to track the mouse click coordinate inside the form , save it to listbox or variable. Right now i am using checkbox method which already specify the coordinate. I attach the image to illustrate my program Software Development visual-basic | |
The following code is not working correctly. It is supposed to be associating an ip address of a user with a post's content, which in an online scenareo you know can be two different ip addresses. It is therefore showing exactly what was done with an account in the event … | |
Hi, i want to change my IP-Adress (IP + Subnet + Gateway/DNS) in a Virtual-Box (VBox - System = Windows 10 and 7) to a static-IP. Til today I use "netsh", but sometimes it doesn´t work and I don´t know why. Thats why I am looking for an other method … | |
I am a developer who recently started working on my own, and I've come across some projects that I can't handle by myself (mostly in React). What resources would you guys recommend for finding / putting together a team of remote developers to join me on these projects? |
The End.