What is it : A simple logic (text based) game, in which you are required to identify the counterfeit coin within 3 chances.
How it works : You are given 'x' coins ( best is to play it with 12 coins ). You are asked how many coins you want to put in Pan 1. You enter 'y' amount of coins. Then same process with Pan 2. After that, it shows which Pan is heavier, for example if Pan 1 is heavier than Pan 2 then it shows, ' Pan 1 > Pan 2 '. Then using this information you need to identify the 'bad' coin ( using suitable algorithm if you want ) within 3 chances.
Disclaimer : This is my first code snippet that I'm submitting in this forum under C++. So if there is any error/improvement please let me know. It would really be nice of you and would help me build my programming skill. Thanks.