I just wanted to start a list of system(" ") funtions. I'll write all of the ones I know and if you know any more please post them. Thanks for contributing!!! ^_^
system("pause"); - This displays "Press any key to continue..." and waits for a key to be hit to resume.
system("cls"); - This clears everything prviously input into the output window.
system("title WINDOW"); - This displays whetever comes after title, this would display "WINDOW" at the name of the window.
system("color 08"); - This changes the color of the background and the text in the output window. The first number controls the background color and the second controls the text color. For this:
0 = Black
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Aqua
4 = Red
5 = Purple
6 = Yellow
7 = White
8 = Gray
9 = Light Blue
A = Light Green
B = Light Aqua
C = Light Red
D = Light Purple
E = Light Yellow
F = Bright White
If you know any more pleaase post them!!! Thanks!!! ^_^