Hello everyone,

I'm in my senior year of high school and I have just started taking my first programming class. As it turns out, we use Java and then Visual Basic later on. My question is, as a Computer Science major, will I use Java again in college, or is college mostly C++ or some other language.


It shouldn't matter, programming languages are tools and you should be expected to be fluent in many of them (and be able to pick up others quickly) as a CS person.

I agree with Jwenting, once you've learned how to do Object Oriented Programming, you should be okay doing any. Though Java tends to be the easiest to use (hehe and in my opinion, more logical).

However, to answer your question, I would certainly think you'd be doing Java in College. That is the case here in South Africa, though you would be dealing with other languages as well. Java is a predominate language that will likely last forever yay!

In all likelihood, yes, you'll have Java at some point in your CS courses. Visual Basic is a lot less likely.

When I was at university (college in USA) I did Java but we didn't even brush on VB. so yeah probably Java you will meet again!

hehe yeah we hadn't done a bit of Visual Basic, because it really shouldn't be used for enterprise application development since it is not a strongly type checked language.

your reasoning is utterly flawed Pooven...
But the outcome of that reasoning is correct, VB should not be used.

aww yeah I'm sorry, I should have said in my personal opinion! My bad :icon_mrgreen:

VB is strongly typed surely

correct. And even if it weren't, it is NOT impossible (or even automatically "not done") to create "enterprise applications" using weakly typed languages.

So he's wrong on 2 counts...

had Java as well, but don't think about limiting yourself to Java ...

next to Java, I have also had Cobol (which they (finally) stopped teaching this year), assembler, C++, perl, and some other languages.

even if they do not show up while you're still attending college, you may be very sure some other languages will come around the corner once you start working.

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