1) is it possible that i could create GUI application under Perl (*.pl) files?
2) what are the things that i need to consider and do?
3) i tried copying a perl program from a certain website and when i tried running it on command prompt for Windows, it says an error about requiring tk.pm in perl library..
what is that and where can i have that file?

i wish you could give me a simple program on perl so that i could pattern my future programs with it.. i want my program to have buttons, windows, colored features, etc..
is it possible even i'm developing it on Windows operating system?

what i'm using is the ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1002... any tips? thanks

You need perl and the Tk modules installed. I would be surprised if they are not included with the distribution of perl you are using.

Open the activestate folder and open the documentation folder (or however it is structured with Active perl 5.10). You should see a list of all the Tk modules that came with your distribution.

Tk is a sort of niche when it comes to coding perl programs, you don't find a lot of perl programmers that are familiar with Tk applications.

I suggest you post on the perl forum at www.tek-tips.com as I know there is one member there that has a lot of Tk experience.

1) is it possible that i could create GUI application under Perl (*.pl) files?
2) what are the things that i need to consider and do?
3) i tried copying a perl program from a certain website and when i tried running it on command prompt for Windows, it says an error about requiring tk.pm in perl library..
what is that and where can i have that file?

Yes, it is possible to create GUI application with Perl
The error says, you have no module called tk.pm. For this you can install Tk tool kit for Perl and you can find it on CPAN.

i wish you could give me a simple program on perl so that i could pattern my future programs with it.. i want my program to have buttons, windows, colored features, etc..
is it possible even i'm developing it on Windows operating system?

what i'm using is the ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1002... any tips? thanks

Sorry, i havent tried GUI programming in Perl. You will get good resource and examples for sure when you install Tk tool kit. Go through the documentation which comes with installer.

enjoy coding...,

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