What is your opinion of the best beginner java book?

head first Java, it wins hands down.

java 2 complete reference by herbert schildt

nope, that's one of the worst books you could get.
Anything by Herb is suspicious by default, especially anything by Herb that's not dealing with C.

I found Java 2 Cadenhead & Lemay very useful. I have given it to others and said the best things about this book.

Th: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Software

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I've been using Java: How to Program 6th edition by Deitel and Deitel for a year now and it really helped me a lot through my computer science subjects. There are currently newer editions of this book though, you might want to browse for it. ^^

The OP is asking the question that 'what are the books for a beginner ?' The answer can be categorized to two ,
First of all I don't know how much you have the knowledge of OOP ( object oriented programming ) and OOAD ( object oriented analysis and design ) , Normally these course units are teaching in a normal semester basic . Both BCS and BIT , have these modules . I'm just a undergraguate still and I'm when 3rd semester I have covered OOAD and OOP and software enginnering . I started to study for the SCJP at that semester (3rd) therefore I had a lots of background in OO conecpts , how to model a object oriented software and how to use the design parttens in object oriented programming helps you to well structure your software . If you are at this level these are the books that you can follow , as I did
Program 6th edition by Deitel and Deitel
Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Software
as the above pp say . But please note that the program 6 th edition by Deitel and Deitel is
really using the GUI examples . That means if you decided to learn basic Object oriented conecpts using the console mode , that was your bad choice . Next book is also a good book
that helps you to underestand basic design parttens in java. Java supports 22 design parttens , anyway if you are already did C++ or something else you really knows how the
design parttens are helping in making a software more organized and easy to modify .

So what you feel , hadn't the basic knowledge of the OOP , and this is your first OOP langauge that you touching ? Well , then I recommand you to use the study guide for SCJP
exam .
SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055) (Certification Press Study Guides): Katherine Sierra,Bert Bate
this book is for mastering the scjp exam , but you not decided to done the scjp exam I really
recommand you to use this book to use as a beginner . <deleted illegal file sharing>

Anyway if you are looking for a leagal e-book for free :) this is the free and poor man's web site .
you can use this to learn the basic object oriented concepts , I heavily depends on this site to learn C++ object oriented programming . just mindview server thanks man . anyway there are lots of these kinds of poor and free man's servers on the web ,

<deleted illegal text>. I normally store these books in DVD but most of them are I backup in a tape now .I really likes to show what are the links and how to download them in here . But other cats here are not likes that I'm doing it , thus beacuse they will post my post as a bad post . If you interested you know what to do !

let me show my email address for friendly and have a just fun !
<snipped email>

commented: Poor suggestions and encouraging illegal downloads -1

I've been using Java: How to Program 6th edition by Deitel and Deitel for a year now and it really helped me a lot through my computer science subjects. There are currently newer editions of this book though, you might want to browse for it. ^^

I found 6th edition helpful, however I seen the 7th edition and I have to say they did not do a good job on this one. Sale point for them been AJAX, Java DB/Apache Derby and MySQL that they did not prepar properly and if you wish to learn these technologies you better of to find some other resources (MySQL chapters are actually better in 6th edition)

nope, that's one of the worst books you could get.
Anything by Herb is suspicious by default, especially anything by Herb that's not dealing with C.

java 2 complete reference by herbert schildt is realy badly writen but to my suprice his Swing A beginner's Guide is quite helpful and on top of that all his examples actually works as you re-type them from book

Herb's books are littered with mistakes both small and large.
His examples may compile but his advise is often very bad, bad to the point of being utterly in contradiction with best practice and sometimes flatly contradicting the language specification.

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