I've been studying VC++ for about 2 months, and I was working on my first game from a book (Game Programming All In One)
The game is 'Craps', it's a dice game. Anyways, I've had a few prolems with the codeing, can someone help me? (Windows 32 Console)
Here is the game....


#include <iostream>                                        // Includeing Headers
#include <stdlib.h>                                        
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;                                       // Language
                                                           // Global Variables
void ShowIntroScreen (void), ShowInformation (unsigned long Money); 
short GetBet (void), DoDiceThrow (void);                                 
unsigned short DoMoneyCalc (short Dice, short Bet, short BetMoney);
unsigned long GetAmount (void);

main (void)
        unsigned long MoneyEarned, Money;                     
	    short DiceValue, Bet, BetMoney;

	    ShowIntroScreen ();
	    Money = 1000;

	    do                                                   // Loop Actions
		    ShowInformation (Money);                  

	   	    Bet          = GetBet ();
		    BetMoney     = GetAmount ();
		    DiceValue    = DoDiceThrow ();
		    MoneyEarned  = DoMoneyCalc (DiceValue, Bet, BetMoney);

		    Money -= BetMoney;

		        if (MoneyEarned == 0 )
			        cout << "You have lost.  The number was: " << DiceValue << endl << endl;
			        cout << "You won " << MoneyEarned - BetMoney;
			        cout << " dollars. Number was: " << DiceValue;
			        cout << endl << endl;

			        Money += MoneyEarned;
	while (Money > 100);
	    cout << "Game Over. Keep $" << Money << " for the ride home\n";

	    return 0;
void ShowIntroScreen (void)                                // Rules and Start Up
			cout << "     Welcome to Craps 1.0" << endl << endl;
	    	cout << " Here are the rules:" << endl << endl;
            cout << "You have 1000 dollars to start gambling. ";
			cout << endl << endl;
			cout << "There are three types of bets. You can bet on: " << endl << endl;
			cout << "  - 2 and 12 which will give you the ratio of 5 to 1 if you win.\n";
			cout << "  - 4 and 10 which will give you the ratio of 2.5 to 1 if you win.\n";
			cout << "  - 6 and 8 which will give you the ration of 1.5 and 1 if you win.";
			    cout << endl << endl;

			cout << "The minimum amount of money you can bet is 10 dollars and \n" " the highest amount of money you can bet is 100.";
				cout << endl << endl;
            cout << "Have fun playing!";
				cout << endl << endl;


void ShowInformation (unsigned long Money)                 // Money Display
				cout << "You have : " << Money << " dollars.";
				    cout << endl << endl;

short GetBet (void)                                        // Gets Bet Type
	unsigned short BetType;     

	cout << "Enter a type of bet ( 1 = '6/8',  2 = '4/10',  3 = '2/12': ";
	cin >> BetType;

	if ((BetType == 1) || (BetType == 2) || (BetType == 3))
		    return BetType;
		    return 1;

short DoDiceThrow (void)                                   // Randomized Numbers
	    short DiceValue;

	    srand (time (NULL));
	    DiceValue = (rand () % 11) + 2;

	if ((DiceValue == 4 ) || (DiceValue == 10))
		    srand (time (NULL));
		    DiceValue == (rand () % 12) + 1;

	if ((DiceValue == 2) || (DiceValue == 12))
		    srand (time (NULL));
		    DiceValue = (rand () % 12) + 1;
                  if ((DiceValue == 2) || (DiceValue == 12))
		        srand (time (NULL));
		        DiceValue = (rand () % 12) + 1;
return DiceValue;
                                                           // Calculating Data
unsigned short DoMoneyCalc (short Dice, short Bet, short BetMoney) 
	   unsigned long MoneyEarned = 0;

	   switch (Bet)
	       case 1:
		       if ((Dice == 6) || (Dice == 8))
					   MoneyEarned = BetMoney * 1.5;
				   break; break;
		   case 2:
			   if ((Dice == 10) || (Dice == 4))
					   MoneyEarned = BetMoney * 2.5;
				   break; break;
		   case 3:
			   if ((Dice == 3) || (Dice == 12))
				       MoneyEarned = BetMoney * 5;
				   MoneyEarned = 0;

   return MoneyEarned;

	unsigned long GetAmount (void)                        
                           unsigned short BetAmount;
		cout << "Enter amount to bet (min 10 - max 100): ";
                                   cin >> BetAmount;

		if (BetAmount < 10)
			    BetAmount = 10;

		if (BetAmount > 100)
			    BetAmount = 100;
		return BetAmount;

I've had a few problems with this book already, it's about 2 years old or so, it uses an older version of c++ and there has been some
modifications over those few years. ANYWAYS!!! I need help, here are the errors!

c:\Projects\Craps\Craps.cpp(151): error C2065: 'MoneyEarned' : undeclared identifier
c:\Projects\Craps\Craps.cpp(95): error C2601: 'DoDiceThrow' : local function definitions are illegal
c:\Projects\Craps\Craps.cpp(123): error C2601: 'DoMoneyCalc' : local function definitions are illegal
c:\Projects\Craps\Craps.cpp(26): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'short', possible loss of data

Well I got it to compile and run.

Here's the errors that I found:

Your function prototypes didn't match the function's return type in it's code. (Aka, return a short but prototype says it returns void.)

You didn't close all functions with braces. Forgot a few :-P

You closed the switch statement with a brace but didn't open with one.

Other than that it's all good. One thing that I would change, not bad code just style, is to not use tab in the parameter list of a function and don't use it inside strings unless needed.

Here's the output from the console and I think you'll see what I mean about tabs in strings. It makes it hard to read.

Welcome to Craps 1.0

 Here are the rules:

You have 1000 dollars to start  gambling.

There are three types of bets.  You     can     bet     on:

  - 2 and 12 which      will give you the ratio of 5 to 1 if you win.
  - 4 and 10 which      will give you the ratio of 2.5 to 1     if you win.
  - 6 and 8 which will  give you the ration     of 1.5 and 1 if you     win.

The minimum amount      of money you can bet is 10 dollars and
 the highest amount     of money you can bet is 100.

Have fun playing!

You have :      1000    dollars.

Enter a type of bet ( 1 = '6/8',  2 = '4/10',   3 =     '2/12':

Other than that, nice job overall!

Here's the revised code:

#include <iostream>										   // Includeing Headers
#include <stdlib.h>										   
#include <time.h>

using namespace	std;									   // Language
														   // Global Variables
void ShowIntroScreen(void);
void ShowInformation(unsigned long Money);	
short GetBet(void);
short DoDiceThrow(void);								 
unsigned short DoMoneyCalc(short Dice, short Bet, short BetMoney);
unsigned long GetAmount(void);

void main(void)
	unsigned long MoneyEarned, Money;					  
	short DiceValue, Bet, BetMoney;

	Money =	1000;

	do													 //	Loop Actions
		ShowInformation	(Money);				  

		Bet			 = GetBet();
		BetMoney	 = GetAmount();
		DiceValue	 = DoDiceThrow();
		MoneyEarned	 = DoMoneyCalc(DiceValue, Bet, BetMoney);

		Money -= BetMoney;

		if(MoneyEarned	== 0 )
			cout <<	"You have lost.	 The number	was: " << DiceValue	<< endl	<< endl;
			cout <<	"You won " << MoneyEarned -	BetMoney;
			cout <<	" dollars. Number was: " <<	DiceValue;
			cout <<	endl <<	endl;

			Money += MoneyEarned;
	while (Money > 100);
	cout <<	"Game Over.	Keep $"	<< Money <<	" for the ride home\n";
void ShowIntroScreen (void)								   // Rules	and	Start Up
	cout <<	"	  Welcome to Craps 1.0"	<< endl	<< endl;
	cout <<	" Here are the rules:" << endl << endl;
	cout <<	"You have 1000 dollars to start	gambling. ";
	cout <<	endl <<	endl;
	cout <<	"There are three types of bets.	You	can	bet	on:	" << endl << endl;
	cout <<	"  - 2 and 12 which	will give you the ratio	of 5 to	1 if you win.\n";
	cout <<	"  - 4 and 10 which	will give you the ratio	of 2.5 to 1	if you win.\n";
	cout <<	"  - 6 and 8 which will	give you the ration	of 1.5 and 1 if	you	win.";
	cout <<	endl <<	endl;

	cout <<	"The minimum amount	of money you can bet is	10 dollars and \n" " the highest amount	of money you can bet is	100.";
	cout <<	endl <<	endl;
	cout <<	"Have fun playing!";
	cout <<	endl <<	endl;


void ShowInformation (unsigned long	Money)				   // Money	Display
	cout <<	"You have :	" << Money << "	dollars.";
	cout <<	endl <<	endl;

short GetBet (void)										   // Gets Bet Type
	unsigned short BetType;		

	cout <<	"Enter a type of bet ( 1 = '6/8',  2 = '4/10',	3 =	'2/12':	";
	cin	>> BetType;

	if ((BetType ==	1) || (BetType == 2) ||	(BetType ==	3))
		return BetType;
		return 1;

short DoDiceThrow (void)								   // Randomized Numbers
	short DiceValue;

	srand (time	(NULL));
	DiceValue =	(rand () % 11) + 2;

	if ((DiceValue == 4	) || (DiceValue	== 10))
		srand (time	(NULL));
		DiceValue == (rand () %	12)	+ 1;

	if ((DiceValue == 2) ||	(DiceValue == 12))
		srand (time	(NULL));
		DiceValue =	(rand () % 12) + 1;
		if ((DiceValue ==	2) || (DiceValue ==	12))
			srand (time	(NULL));
			DiceValue =	(rand () % 12) + 1;

	return DiceValue;
														   // Calculating Data
unsigned short DoMoneyCalc (short Dice,	short Bet, short BetMoney) 
	   unsigned	long MoneyEarned = 0;

	   switch (Bet)
		   case	1:
			   if ((Dice ==	6) || (Dice	== 8))
					MoneyEarned = BetMoney *	1.5;
		   case	2:
			   if ((Dice ==	10)	|| (Dice ==	4))
					MoneyEarned = BetMoney *	2.5;
		   case	3:
			   if ((Dice ==	3) || (Dice	== 12))
					MoneyEarned = BetMoney *	5;
				MoneyEarned = 0;

	return MoneyEarned;

unsigned long GetAmount	(void)						  
	unsigned short BetAmount;
		cout <<	"Enter amount to bet (min 10 - max 100): ";
								   cin >> BetAmount;

		if (BetAmount <	10)
				BetAmount =	10;

		if (BetAmount >	100)
				BetAmount =	100;
		return BetAmount;

Thanks! ^^ I'm still having some issues with it, but it was just a test!

I saw the following in your code:

- You're missing the closing parenthesis of GetBet(void)
- You're also missing the opening parenthesis on the switch(Bet) in DoMoneyCalc()
- You are using break; break; in the switch(Bet) statement, you only need 1 break;
- Also in the switch(Bet) you have default; but you need to use default: (notice the : )

You should add main() type int

#include <iostream>                                        // Includeing Headers
#include <stdlib.h>                                        
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

void ShowIntroScreen(void), ShowInformation(double Money); 
short GetBet(void), DoDiceThrow(void), GetAmount(void);
double DoMoneyCalc(short Dice, short Bet, short BetMoney);

int main(void){ 
	double MoneyEarned, Money;
	unsigned short BetMoney;
	short DiceValue, Bet;
	Money = 1000;
		Bet			= GetBet();
		BetMoney	= GetAmount();
		DiceValue	= DoDiceThrow();
		MoneyEarned	= DoMoneyCalc(DiceValue, Bet, BetMoney);
		Money -= BetMoney;
		if(MoneyEarned == 0){
			cout << "You have lost.  The number was: " << DiceValue << endl << endl;
			cout << "You won " << MoneyEarned - BetMoney;
			cout << " dollars. Number was: " << DiceValue;
			cout << endl << endl;
			Money += MoneyEarned;
	} while (Money > 100);
	cout << "Game Over. Keep $" << Money << " for the ride home\n";
	return 0;
void ShowIntroScreen(void){						// Rules and Start Up
	cout << "     Welcome to Craps 1.0" << endl << endl;
	cout << " Here are the rules:" << endl << endl;
	cout << "You have 1000 dollars to start gambling. ";
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << "There are three types of bets. You can bet on: " << endl << endl;
	cout << "  - 2 and 12 which will give you the ratio of 5 to 1 if you win.\n";
	cout << "  - 4 and 10 which will give you the ratio of 2.5 to 1 if you win.\n";
	cout << "  - 6 and 8 which will give you the ration of 1.5 and 1 if you win.";
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << "The minimum amount of money you can bet is 10 dollars and \n" " the highest amount of money you can bet is 100.";
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << "Have fun playing!";
	cout << endl << endl;

void ShowInformation(double Money){		// Money Display
	cout << "You have : " << Money << " dollars.";
	cout << endl << endl;

short GetBet(void){								// Gets Bet Type
	unsigned short BetType;
	cout << "Enter a type of bet ( 1 = '6/8',  2 = '4/10',  3 = '2/12': ";
	cin >> BetType;
	if((BetType == 1) || (BetType == 2) || (BetType == 3))
		return BetType;
		return 1;

short DoDiceThrow(void){						// Randomized Numbers
	short DiceValue;
	srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
	DiceValue = (rand() % 11) + 2;
	if((DiceValue == 4 ) || (DiceValue == 10)){
		srand((unsigned) time (NULL));
		DiceValue = (rand () % 12) + 1;

	if((DiceValue == 2) || (DiceValue == 12)){
		srand((unsigned) time (NULL));
		DiceValue = (rand () % 12) + 1;

		if((DiceValue == 2) || (DiceValue == 12)){
			srand((unsigned) time (NULL));
			DiceValue = (rand () % 12) + 1;
	return DiceValue;

double DoMoneyCalc(short Dice, short Bet, short BetMoney){
	double MoneyEarned = 0;
		case 1:
			if((Dice == 6) || (Dice == 8)){ MoneyEarned = static_cast<double>(BetMoney) * 1.5; }
		case 2:
			if((Dice == 10) || (Dice == 4)){ MoneyEarned = static_cast<double>(BetMoney) * 2.5; }
		case 3:
			if((Dice == 3) || (Dice == 12)){ MoneyEarned = static_cast<double>(BetMoney) * 5; }
			MoneyEarned = 0;
	return MoneyEarned;

short GetAmount(void){
	unsigned short BetAmount;
	cout << "Enter amount to bet (min 10 - max 100): ";
	cin >> BetAmount;
	if(BetAmount < 10){ BetAmount = 10; }
	if(BetAmount > 100){ BetAmount = 100; }
	return BetAmount;
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