this is some of code.
I have a question. what is the meaning of '?' and ':1;' [just this part]
int t, dt, * cnt, tmax=0;
/* Compute the mean-squared displacement using
the straightforward algorithm */
fprintf(stderr,"# computing...\n");fflush(stderr);
for (t=0;t<M;t++) {
for (dt=1;(t+dt)<tmax;dt++) {
cnt[dt]++; /* number of origins for interval length dt */
for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
sdx[dt] += (rx[t+dt][i] - rx[t][i])*(rx[t+dt][i] - rx[t][i]);
sdy[dt] += (ry[t+dt][i] - ry[t][i])*(ry[t+dt][i] - ry[t][i]);
sdz[dt] += (rz[t+dt][i] - rz[t][i])*(rz[t+dt][i] - rz[t][i]);
sdcx[dt] += (cx[t+dt] - cx[t])*(cx[t+dt] - cx[t]);
sdcy[dt] += (cy[t+dt] - cy[t])*(cy[t+dt] - cy[t]);
sdcz[dt] += (cz[t+dt] - cz[t])*(cz[t+dt] - cz[t]);
for (t=0;t<M;t++) {
sdx[t] /= cnt[t]?(N*cnt[t]):1;
sdy[t] /= cnt[t]?(N*cnt[t]):1;
sdz[t] /= cnt[t]?(N*cnt[t]):1;
sdcx[t] /= cnt[t]?(cnt[t]):1;
sdcy[t] /= cnt[t]?(cnt[t]):1;
sdcz[t] /= cnt[t]?(cnt[t]):1;