I have an assignment due tomorrow and I've done a bit on it but I dont know how to do the rest. Can anyone help me please. Thanks.

>>I have an assignment due tomorrow
So why did you wait so long before starting it? You can't be a procrastinator in computer programming because its probably the most time consuming course you will ever take in college.

I'm not here for people to be asking me why at the last minute. I'm asking for help..

Can anyone help me please

Try proceeding with posting e.g. the code you have written, an explanation of what is failing with it/what you perhaps don't understand, what the program should accomplish and so on.

I'm not here for people to be asking me why at the last minute.

Perhaps we wouldent if you didn't leave it to the last minute... If you had started this earlier and realized that you need help mabey some of us would be more inclined to help you.

If you've already done "some" of it, how about actually posting your assignment, the "something" you've done, and an actual question about the issue you're stuck on?

> I'm asking for help..
Help is what we could have done, had you arrived when you got the assignment.

What you're really looking for now is some "hail mary" pass into the end zone with 5 seconds to spare at the end of the 4th to save your ass from failure.

Sure we could throw you something, but you couldn't hand it in. Even if you did, what happens when you're asked to explain your solution? 20 seconds of "ummm" in response to the first question will not go down well.

I'm not here for people to be asking me why at the last minute. I'm asking for help..

Unless you describe your project assignment and try coding it and then get stuck and then ask specific question it is not possible to help you.

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