Could you please help?? I am tired and confused. I don't what to do any more! I am trying to write a traffic simulation and i wrote some interface and some classes but the main one that has a big chunk of code seems to me like nightmare. Certainly it is confusing and doesn't make sense. I have three lights that have green yellow and red. I wrote three classes westligh, southlight and eastlight implementing threads so that there a pause for each of them. I have to code when a car is running it has to stop for any obstruction such a car infront of it, or a red light. The light have different timing such the first one 30 second for red 5 for yellow and 45 for green. the next cross light has 50 for red 5 for yellow and 25 for green. The simulation is run base on the time given by the user. Now i though i can use the Date class. Still how to tell if it is first second do this and if it is the second second do that...... I will paste my confusing code for class Car.java. Please help me with this and tell me what could i improve and how to use the Date class and this the wright way to move a car? Thank you very much and Here is the code:
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
class Car implements CarTs{
//Checking the date.
private Date d1;
//Array will hold the cars.
ArrayList l;
//Reference to the lights
WestLight w;
EastLight e;
SouthLight s;
//Reference to the road.
Road r;
//variable for the velocity of the car, the distance from an obstruction.
double velocity = 2.4;
int d = 15;
double dmin = 1.5;
double climit = 13.9;
//Checking the lights
boolean checke1 = false;
boolean checke2 = false;
boolean checke3 = false;
boolean checkw1 = false;
boolean checkw2 = false;
boolean checkw3 = false;
boolean checks1 = false;
boolean checks2 = false;
boolean checks3 = false;
//These are coordinates: position for the cars.
int x1 = 0;
int y1 = 0;
// coordinates for the cars: height and width.
int x2 = 5;
int y2 = 3;
public Car(WestLight w, EastLight e, SouthLight s)
d1 = new Date();
r = new Road();
l = new ArrayList();
this.w = w;
this.e = e;
this.s = s;
// When extending a swing component to be used for drawing
// We should always call the superclass paintComponent method.
// This will properly draw the figures the way you intended
public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) {
//setBackground( Color.black );
// Setting up an iterator to the beginning of the list
for(Iterator it = l.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
((MyShape)it.next()).draw(g); // PolyMorphism
} // ~paintComponent
y1 = = r.gety1() + 3;
public void DrawCars1()
int red = (int)(Math.random() * 256);
int green = (int)(Math.random() * 256);
int blue = (int)(Math.random() * 256);
Color color = new Color(red,green,blue);
//Split the array so we can have cars going South, West and East.
int a = 13;
int a1 = (a / 4) + 1; //For cars Running from west to east
int a2 = (a / 4); //For cars Running from 1rst south.
int a3 = (a / 4); //For cars Running from 2nd south.
int a4 = (a / 4); //For cars Running from 3rd south.
for(int i = 0; i < a1; i++)
{l.add( new FillRectangle( x1,y1,x2,y2,color) );
x1 = (x1 - 15);
//Changing the x and y according to Road direction. Cars will come from the first south direction.
x1 = r.getx3() + 3;
y1 = r.gety3();
x2 = y2;
y2 = x2;
for(int j= 0; j < a2; j++)
l.add( new FillRectangle( x1,y1,x2,y2,color) );
y1 = (y1 - 15);
//Changing the x and y according to Road direction. Cars will come from the second south direction.
x1 = r.getx5() + 3;
y1 = r.gety5();
x2 = y2;
y2 = x2;
for(int ji= 0;ji < a3; ji++)
l.add( new FillRectangle( x1,y1,x2,y2,color) );
y1 = (y1 - 15);
//Changing the x and y according to Road direction. Cars will come from the third south direction.
x1 = r.getx7() + 3;
y1 = r.gety7();
x2 = y2;
y2 = x2;
for(int jii= 0; jii < a4; jii++)
l.add( new FillRectangle( x1,y1,x2,y2,color) );
y1 = (y1 - 15);
}//End of method DrawCars1
public void DrawCars2()
//Checking the ligh for cars Running in all directions.
//This light would represent cars coming from the west and cars coming from 1st south.
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
checkw2 = w.getRed();
checkw3 = w.getYellow();
//This light would represent cars coming from the west and cars coming from 2nd south.
checks1 = s.getGreen();
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
//This light would represent cars coming from the west and cars coming from 3rd south.
checke1 = e.getGreen();
checke2 = e.getRed();
checke3 = e.getYellow();
Iterator it = l.iterator(); //Iterator
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
int t2seconds = tseconds;
int checktime = 0;
//vi = climit for x greater or equal than D.
//vi = mx + b for Dmin < x < D then vi= (climit / (D - Dmin))(x - Dmin)
//vi = 0 for x less or equal Dmin
//x is the distance from vehicle i to any obstruction (such as another vehicle or a red traffic signal) in front of it.
// D is the maximum distance at which an obstruction has an influence on vehicle i.
//Dmin is the distance at which vehicle i stops for the obstruction.
x1 = 0;
x1 = (x1 + velocity);
int vallightx = w.getvalx(); /////////////MUST CODE
int vallighty = w.getvaly(); /////////////MUST CODE
int vallight2x = s.getvalx(); ////////Must code.
int vallight2y = s.getvaly(); ////////Must code.
int vallight3x = e.getvalx(); ///////Must code.
int vallight3y = e.getvaly(); ///////Must code.
int x0 = 0;
int x = 0;
int xx0 = 0;
int xxx0 = 0;
y1 = 0;
y1 = (y1 + velocity);
int vallighty = w.getvaly(); /////////////MUST CODE
int y0 = 0;
int y = 0;
//Checking the time.
Date d2 = new Date(); int vald = d2.getMinutes();
while(vald <= 2)
/////////////////////////////Cars coming from the west/////////// ////////////////////
if(checkw1 == true)
{ //Checking the first car.
MyShape DL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int dl = DL.getx1();
x0 = dl - vallightx; //distance from a traffic light.
//if the distance of x is less than the traffic light
if(dl < vallightx){ //starts
if(x0 <= dmin)
{DL.setx1(dl);} //putting the old value back.
{DL.setx1(dl + x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x0 && x0 < d)
{double vi= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x0 - dmin);
DL.setx1(vi);} // new value no obstruction.
{DL.setx1(x1 + dl);} // new value approaching obstruction.
repaint();} // ends
//////when it is green and the car passed the light there is a possibility that the car would reach the next red light.
if(dl > vallightx &&(s2==true || s3 == true) ){
MyShape DDL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int ddl = DDL.getx1();
xx0 = ddl - vallight2x; //distance from next traffic light.
if(ddl < vallight2x){
if(xx0 <= dmin)
{DDL.setx1(ddl);} //putting the old value back.
{DDL.setx1(ddl + x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < xx0 && xx0 < d)
{double vii= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (xx0 - dmin);
DDL.setx1(vii);} // new value no obstruction.
{DDL.setx1(x1 + ddl);} // new value no obstruction. }
//Checking the rest of the cars.
for(int i = 0; i < a1; i++)
MyShape LD = (MyShape) l.get(i);
int ld = LD.getx1();
x = ld - vallightx; //distance from a traffic light.
if(ld < vallightx){
if(x <= dmin)
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(i-1);
int pr = prev.getx1();
if( (pr - ld) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x && x < d)
{double VI = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x - dmin);
LD.setx1(VI);} // new value approaching obstruction.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction. }
//////when it is green and the car passed the light there is a possibility that the car would reach the next red light.
if(ld > vallightx &&(s2==true || s3 == true) ){
MyShape LLD = (MyShape) l.get(i);
int lld = LLD.getx1();
xxx0 = lld - vallight2x; //distance from next traffic light.
if(lld < vallight2x){
if(x <= dmin)
{LLD.setx1(lld);} //putting the old value back.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(i-1);
int ppr = pprev.getx1();
if( (ppr - lld) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{LLD.setx1(lld);} //putting the old value back.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < xxx0 && xxx0 < d)
{double VII = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (xxx0 - dmin);
LLD.setx1(VII);} // new value approaching obstruction.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction. } }
} //end of the for loop.
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
if(t2seconds < tseconds && checktime < 5)
{ x1 = (x1 + (velocity * 2) );
{ x1 = climit; }
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
////////Now 1southcars would run until they find the red ligh//////////////
//Checking the first car.
{ MyShape DELL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int dll = DELL.gety1();
y0 = dll - vallighty; //distance from a traffic light.
//if the distance of y is less than the traffic light
if(dll < vallighty){
if(y0 <= dmin)
{DELL.setx1(dll);} //putting the old value back.
{DELL.setx1(dll + y1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < y0 && y0 < d)
{double vi= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (y0 - dmin);
DELL.setx1(vi);} // new value no obstruction.
{DELL.setx1(y1 + dll);} // new value approaching obstruction. }
//////when it is green and the car passed the light to the other site keep up the same speed.
if(dll > vallighty )
{ DELL.sety1(climit); }
//Checking the rest of the cars.
for(int mi = 0; mi < a2; mi++)
MyShape DAR = (MyShape) l.get(mi);
int dar = DAR.gety1();
y = dar - vallighty; //distance from a traffic light.
if(y <= dmin)
{DAR.sety1(dar);} //putting the old value back.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(mi-1);
int pr = prev.gety1();
if( (pr - dar) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{DAR.sety1(dar);} //putting the old value back.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < y && y < d)
{double VI = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (y - Dmin);
DAR.sety1(VI);} // new value no obstruction.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
/////when it is green and the car passed the light to the other site keep up the same speed.
if(dar > vallighty )
{ DAR.sety1(climit); }
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
if(t2seconds < tseconds && checktime < 5)
{ y1 = (y1 + (velocity * 2) );
{ x1 = climit; } }//End of the block.
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
}//End if.
////////////////////////////////////////Cars Running from the west and from the second south///////////////
if(checks1 == true)
{ //Checking the first car.
MyShape DL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int dl = DL.getx1();
x0 = dl - vallight3; //distance from a traffic light.
//if the distance of x is less than the traffic light
if(dl < vallight3){ //starts
if(x0 <= dmin)
{DL.setx1(dl);} //putting the old value back.
{DL.setx1(dl + x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x0 && x0 < d)
{double vi= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x0 - dmin);
DL.setx1(vi);} // new value no obstruction.
{DL.setx1(x1 + dl);} // new value approaching obstruction.
repaint();} // ends
//////when it is green and the car passed the light there is a possibility that the car would reach the next red light.
if(dl > vallight &&(s2==true || s3 == true) ){
MyShape DDL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int ddl = DDL.getx1();
xx0 = ddl - vallight4; //distance from next traffic light.
if(ddl < vallight4){
if(xx0 <= dmin)
{DDL.setx1(ddl);} //putting the old value back.
{DDL.setx1(ddl + x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < xx0 && xx0 < d)
{double vii= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (xx0 - dmin);
DDL.setx1(vii);} // new value no obstruction.
{DDL.setx1(x1 + ddl);} // new value no obstruction. }
//Checking the rest of the cars.
for(int i = 0; i < a3; i++)
MyShape LD = (MyShape) l.get(i);
int ld = LD.getx1();
x = ld - vallight3; //distance from a traffic light.
if(ld < vallight3){
if(x <= dmin)
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(i-1);
int pr = prev.getx1();
if( (pr - ld) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x && x < d)
{double VI = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x - dmin);
LD.setx1(VI);} // new value approaching obstruction.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction. }
//////when it is green and the car passed the light there is a possibility that the car would reach the next red light.
if(ld > vallight &&(s2==true || s3 == true) ){
MyShape LLD = (MyShape) l.get(i);
int lld = LLD.getx1();
xxx0 = lld - vallight4; //distance from a traffic light.
if(lld < vallight4){
if(x <= dmin)
{LLD.setx1(lld);} //putting the old value back.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(i-1);
int ppr = pprev.getx1();
if( (ppr - lld) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{LLD.setx1(lld);} //putting the old value back.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < xxx0 && xxx0 < d)
{double VII = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (xxx0 - dmin);
LLD.setx1(VII);} // new value approaching obstruction.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction. } }
} //end of the for loop.
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
if(t2seconds < tseconds && checktime < 5)
{ x1 = (x1 + (velocity * 2) );
{ x1 = climit; }
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
////////Now 2southcars would run until they find the red ligh//////////////
//Checking the first car.
{ MyShape DELL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int dll = DELL.gety1();
y0 = dll - vallight3; //distance from a traffic light.
//if the distance of y is less than the traffic light
if(dll < vallight3){
if(y0 <= dmin)
{DELL.setx1(dll);} //putting the old value back.
{DELL.setx1(dll + y1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < y0 && y0 < d)
{double vi= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (y0 - dmin);
DELL.setx1(vi);} // new value no obstruction.
{DELL.setx1(y1 + dll);} // new value approaching obstruction. }
//////when it is green and the car passed the light to the other site keep up the same speed.
if(dll > vallight3 )
{ DELL.sety1(climit); }
//Checking the rest of the cars.
for(int mi = 0; mi < a3; mi++)
MyShape DAR = (MyShape) l.get(mi);
int dar = DAR.gety1();
y = dar - vallight3; //distance from a traffic light.
if(y <= dmin)
{DAR.sety1(dar);} //putting the old value back.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(mi-1);
int pr = prev.gety1();
if( (pr - dar) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{DAR.sety1(dar);} //putting the old value back.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < y && y < d)
{double VI = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (y - Dmin);
DAR.sety1(VI);} // new value no obstruction.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
/////when it is green and the car passed the light to the other site keep up the same speed.
if(dar > vallight3 )
{ DAR.sety1(climit); }
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
if(t2seconds < tseconds && checktime < 5)
{ y1 = (y1 + (velocity * 2) );
{ x1 = climit; } }//End of the block.
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
}//End if.
////////////////////////////////////////cars approaching the east side and others coming from the thirsSouth.
if(checke1 == true)
{ //Checking the first car.
MyShape DL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int dl = DL.getx1();
x0 = dl - vallight; //distance from a traffic light.
//if the distance of x is less than the traffic light
if(dl < vallight){ //starts
if(x0 <= dmin)
{DL.setx1(dl);} //putting the old value back.
{DL.setx1(dl + x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x0 && x0 < d)
{double vi= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x0 - dmin);
DL.setx1(vi);} // new value no obstruction.
{DL.setx1(x1 + dl);} // new value approaching obstruction.
repaint();} // ends
//////when it is green and the car passed the light there is a possibility that the car would reach the next red light.
if(dl > vallight &&(s2==true || s3 == true) ){
MyShape DDL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int ddl = DDL.getx1();
xx0 = ddl - vallight2; //distance from next traffic light.
if(ddl < vallight2){
if(xx0 <= dmin)
{DDL.setx1(ddl);} //putting the old value back.
{DDL.setx1(ddl + x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < xx0 && xx0 < d)
{double vii= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (xx0 - dmin);
DDL.setx1(vii);} // new value no obstruction.
{DDL.setx1(x1 + ddl);} // new value no obstruction. }
//Checking the rest of the cars.
for(int i = 0; i < a4; i++)
MyShape LD = (MyShape) l.get(i);
int ld = LD.getx1();
x = ld - vallight; //distance from a traffic light.
if(ld < vallight){
if(x <= dmin)
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(i-1);
int pr = prev.getx1();
if( (pr - ld) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x && x < d)
{double VI = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x - dmin);
LD.setx1(VI);} // new value approaching obstruction.
{LD.setx1(x1 + ld);} // new value no obstruction. }
//////when it is green and the car passed the light there is a possibility that the car would reach the next red light.
if(ld > vallight &&(s2==true || s3 == true) ){
MyShape LLD = (MyShape) l.get(i);
int lld = LLD.getx1();
xxx0 = lld - vallight2; //distance from a traffic light.
if(lld < vallight2){
if(x <= dmin)
{LLD.setx1(lld);} //putting the old value back.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(i-1);
int ppr = pprev.getx1();
if( (ppr - lld) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{LLD.setx1(lld);} //putting the old value back.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < xxx0 && xxx0 < d)
{double VII = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (xxx0 - dmin);
LLD.setx1(VII);} // new value approaching obstruction.
{LLD.setx1(x1 + lld);} // new value no obstruction. } }
} //end of the for loop.
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
if(t2seconds < tseconds && checktime < 5)
{ x1 = (x1 + (velocity * 2) );
{ x1 = climit; }
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
////////Now 3southcars would run until they find the red ligh//////////////
//Checking the first car.
{ MyShape DELL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int dll = DELL.gety1();
y0 = dll - vallight; //distance from a traffic light.
//if the distance of y is less than the traffic light
if(dll < vallight){
if(y0 <= dmin)
{DELL.setx1(dll);} //putting the old value back.
{DELL.setx1(dll + y1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < y0 && y0 < d)
{double vi= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (y0 - dmin);
DELL.setx1(vi);} // new value no obstruction.
{DELL.setx1(y1 + dll);} // new value approaching obstruction. }
//////when it is green and the car passed the light to the other site keep up the same speed.
if(dll > vallight )
{ DELL.sety1(climit); }
//Checking the rest of the cars.
for(int mi = 0; mi < a4; mi++)
MyShape DAR = (MyShape) l.get(mi);
int dar = DAR.gety1();
y = dar - vallight; //distance from a traffic light.
if(y <= dmin)
{DAR.sety1(dar);} //putting the old value back.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(mi-1);
int pr = prev.gety1();
if( (pr - dar) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{DAR.sety1(dar);} //putting the old value back.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < y && y < d)
{double VI = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (y - Dmin);
DAR.sety1(VI);} // new value no obstruction.
{DAR.sety1(y1 + dar);} // new value no obstruction.
/////when it is green and the car passed the light to the other site keep up the same speed.
if(dar > vallight )
{ DAR.sety1(climit); }
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
if(t2seconds < tseconds && checktime < 5)
{ y1 = (y1 + (velocity * 2) );
{ x1 = climit; } }//End of the block.
checkw1 = w.getGreen();
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
}//End if.
}//End of While Loop.
x1 = (x1 + velocity);
int vallight = w.getval(); /////////////MUST CODE
int x0 = 0;
int x = 0;
//Light is green and the cars will start increasing their velocity.
while(checke1 == true)
if(westcars == true)
{ //Checking the first car.
MyShape DL = (MyShape) l.get(0);
int dl = DL.getx1();
x0 = dl - vallight; //distance from a traffic light.
if(x0 <= dmin)
{DL.setx1(dl);} //putting the old value back.
{DL.setx1(x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x && x < d)
{double vi= (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x - Dmin);
DL.setx1(vi);} // new value no obstruction.
{DL.setx1(x1);} // new value no obstruction.
//Checking the rest of the cars.
for(int i = 1; i < a1; i++)
MyShape LD = (MyShape) l.get(i);
int ld = LD.getx1();
x = ld - vallight; //distance from a traffic light.
if(x <= dmin)
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1);} // new value no obstruction.
MyShape prev = (MyShape) l.get(i-1);
int pr = prev.getx1();
if( (pr - ld) <= 1.5) ) //Checking the distane between two cars.
{LD.setx1(ld);} //putting the old value back.
{LD.setx1(x1);} // new value no obstruction.
if(dmin < x && x < d)
{double VI = (climit / (d - dmin)) * (x - Dmin);
LD.setx1(VI);} // new value no obstruction.
{LD.setx1(x1);} // new value no obstruction.
checke1 = e.getGreen();
int tseconds = d1.getSeconds();
if(t2seconds < tseconds && checktime < 5)
{ x1 = (x1 + (velocity * 2) );
{ x1 = climit; }
}//End if.
}//End of While Loop.
//Different story for a yellow light or a red light.
int x = x1; //Setting the car to stay in the same position.
int v = 0;
int val = 0;
int val2 = 0;
Iterator IT = l.iterator();
while(checkw2 == true || checkw3 == true)
{ velocity = 2.4; //Initializing the velocity back to origninal value;
if(westcars == true)
{ westcars = false; }
else if (southcars1 == false)
{ southcars1 = true};
{ westcars = true; }
MyShape temp = (MyShape) l.get(0);
v = temp.getx1();
if( () - v == 1.5 )
//Other cars need to check for two obstructions: The light and the car in front of it.
for(int n = 1; n < a1; n++)
MyShape shape = (MyShape) l.get(n);
val = shape.getx1();
MyShape sh = (MyShape) l.get(n-1);
val2 = sh.getx1();
//Vi = 0 for x less or equal to Dmin.
if( (() - (val) == 1.5 ) || (val2 - val == 1.5 ) )
checkw2 = w.getRed();
checkw3 = w.getYellow();
checke2 = w.getRed();
checke3 = w.getYellow();
//Checking the ligh for the second half of Running cars from the South.
Iterator iter = l.iterator();
while(checks1 == true)
y1 = (y1 + velocity);
for(int b = a2; b < a && iter.hasNext(); b++)
{ ((MyShape)it.next()).sety1(y1);
checks1 = s.getGreen();
}//End of While Loop.
int y = y1; //Setting the car coming from the south to stay in the same position.
int V= 0;
int VAL = 0;
int VAL2 = 0;
while(checks2 == true || checks3 == true)
//Since this is the first car Running no need to check for more.
//First car have only one obstruction the light.
MyShape temp = (MyShape) l.get(a2);
V = temp.gety1();
if( () - V == 5 )
//Other cars need to check for two obstructions: The light and the car in front of it.
for(int K = a2; k < a; K++)
MyShape shape = (MyShape) l.get(K);
VAL = shape.gety1();
MyShape sh = (MyShape) l.get(K-1);
VAL2 = sh.gety1();
if( (() - (VAL) == 5 ) || (VAL2 - VAL == 5 ) )
checks2 = s.getRed();
checks3 = s.getYellow();
} //End of method DrawCars2.
}// End of the class.