hello everyone.
i m monjuri. i want to find out the execution time of a C program. it works fine. but i want the time in milisecond or microsecond. Can anybody help me???

here is my code:

/*insertion code*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define maxsize 10
int A[maxsize];

int value,j,i;
insertionSort(int A[],int s){
        int i, j, t;
        for (i=1; i<s; i++)
            while (j>0 && A[j-1]>t)

void printarr(int a)
  int i;


//Global Variables
double timer;
double timer2;

void startTimer()
timer = clock();

double stopTimer()
timer2 = clock();
timer = timer2 - timer;
return timer;

  int i,s;
  double time;
  printf("enter the number of numbers to be entered \n");
     printf("enter the number \n" );
  printf("array before sorting ");
  printf("array after sorting");

time= stopTimer();

printf(" the execution time %lf",time);

Thank u.

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/*insertion code*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define maxsize 10
int A[maxsize]; 

int value, j, i;
insertionSort ( int A[], int s )
  int i, j, t;
  for ( i = 1; i < s; i++ )
    j = i;
    t = A[j];
    while ( j > 0 && A[j-1] > t )
      A[j] = A[j-1];
    A[j] = t;

void printarr ( int a )
  int i;
  for ( i = 0; i < a; i++ )
    printf ( "%d", A[i] );
    printf ( "\n" );

//Global Variables
double timer;
double timer2;

void startTimer()
  timer = clock();

double stopTimer()
  timer2 = clock();
  timer = timer2 - timer;
  return timer;

int main()
  int i, s;
  double time;
  printf ( "enter the number of numbers to be entered \n" );
  scanf ( "%d", &s );
  for ( i = 0; i < s; i++ )
    printf ( "enter the number \n" );
    scanf ( "%d", &A[i] );
  printf ( "array before sorting " );
  printarr ( s );
  insertionSort ( A, s );
  printf ( "array after sorting" );
  printarr ( s ); 
  time = stopTimer();

  printf ( " the execution time %lf", time );


Use clock(), clock_t and CLOCKS_PER_SECOND. That way you can get the time in milliseconds, nanoseconds.. whatever you want. ;)

Regrettably, in practice no way to measure time intervals with better than ~15 MILLIsecond precision in platform-independent manner (i.e with C RTL functions including clock()). The CLOCKS_PER_SECOND macros per se does not guarantee that your program may catch every tick with this frequency.

I don't know what's your target platform. For Windows I have my own CPU performance counter based C++ code to measure time intervals with ~1.5 MICROseconds precision (on Windows XP Pro installation). It works perfectly and it's so easy to adopt it in C... but come back to the 1st statement of this paragraph...

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