Can someone please explain the assignment & give me some hints.

The way am thinking to do is like this..

enter ur input:

i take 1024 and do a loop, divide it by 8 until the number is less then 8. when its less then 8. thats power3: 2 returned and goes out of the loop.

i = 0;
while number >=8
power i : number
number = number/8;
i = i + 1;

power i : number

any help plz? consider am newly starting to work under unix

can someone tell me how can i link library to generate an executable?

my questions sound stupid.. but am new to unix enviroment programming c..

Name: HW1.txt
Size: 968B
If that's it's size, post it here.

If you wanted the math library for example, it would be gcc prog.c -lm That's lowecase "LM" at the end.
-l means link with a library
m means libm.a
Just in case you have other libxxx.a libraries, and you need to know how to get the xxx part on the command line.

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