I have made this delete class of my address book program.
It gives an error when I use the renameTo() function.
Please look into my program.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class del

	private String stru,strf;
	BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
	public void calc()throws IOException
		System.out.println("enter record to be deleted");

		BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("adbk.txt"));

		File fi=new File("tadbk.txt");

		PrintWriter p=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("tadbk.txt",true));

		fi.renameTo("adbk.txt");//gives error here

Please tell me how to go about it.
Thanks in advance.

Here is part of description of this function, given by java help:
public boolean renameTo(File dest)

It asks a File as parameter, but you give String to it.

commented: Helpful information =) +5
commented: Thanks a million for the help. +1

Whoops, too slow. Check out the javadocs though, it might be helpful in explaining what you need to do.

commented: Thank you Sir, +1
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