I have a fairly basic knowlegde of Visual basic,
I am trying to create a form to create a username and password which is then saved in a .txt file, the problem being that anyone can read it.
Is there any way that it can be simply encrypted before being saved into the .txt file. i ahve created a module for the creation of a username and password. the Creation works and is saved correctly, i just don't undersand the correct code for it to be encrypted before it is saved
Here is the code so far:
Public Sub CreateUser()
On Error GoTo A
Dim User, Pass As String
User = FrmLogin.txtUsernameCreate.Text
Pass = FrmLogin.txtPasswordCreate.Text
Open App.Path & "/Users/" & User & ".txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, User
Print #1, Pass
Close #1
MsgBox "Your Account Has Heen Created Successfully", vbInformation, "Congratulations"
FrmLogin.txtUsernameCreate.Text = ""
FrmLogin.txtPasswordCreate.Text = ""
Exit Sub
MsgBox " Account Cannot Be Created", vbCritical, "Error"
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeASC()
Dim ASC As String
ASC = FrmLogin.txtPasswordCreate.Text
For k = 1 To Len(ASC)
ASC(k) = ASC(k) + (2)
Output = App.Path & "/Users/" & User & ".txt"
End Sub
Thanks in advance!