Is there any macros in DarkGDK like this:

        #include "MY_WINDOWS_HEADER.h"
        #include "MY_LINUX_HEADER.h"

any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

how do i do that?


Right-click on a folder, select search ....
This is easy, you should know this already.


Right-click on a folder, select search ....
This is easy, you should know this already.

It says the search can not be completed because the folder is not indexed?

go to a dos prompt (start, run, cmd) go to your DarkGDK include folder (cd \program files\DarkGDK\Include) probably, and do for %x in (*) do type %x | find /i "#define" >>c:\outputfile.txt . Then, double click my computer, double click C: drive, double click "outputfile.txt", and read it.

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