pls help with a java program to simulate a bursary unit with emphasis on fees payment and verification, salary payment.
you guys are gonna make my day.tnx

Would be nice if you provided your code and explain where you having difficulties.

wow! wish i had code already. can you just help with sub-programs for each of these.anything at all.ill incrporate it into my prog skeleton.i have to submit this assignment in less than 24hours.pls.tnx

Hmm... let us think about it for awhile...


Read the forum policies on homework and demonstrating effort. For that matter, read the section on using proper English too - this isn't a chat room.

commented: Keep up the good work, unlike some of the soft-heads who -ve rep for telling lazy students what to do. +27

wow! wish i had code already. can you just help with sub-programs for each of these.anything at all.ill incrporate it into my prog skeleton.i have to submit this assignment in less than 24hours.pls.tnx

off course we can ...
I'll give you your main method for free (off course you'll have to adapt it to your wishes.

public static void main(String args[]){
// this is where your code has to be placed
// you're right, we will make your day
// we will NOT, however, make your code

C'mon now stultuske don't be lazy, it doesn't mean that just because we are not paid for this help and we have our work to look after you cannot find time to help other people. I will give you your class too

public class AssignmentNotDoneByMe{
    public static void main(String args[]){
    // this is where your code has to be placed
    // you're right, we will make your day
    // we will NOT, however, make your code

Is that all dear ?

Is that all dear ?

nope ... classnames should start with a capital letter :)

nope ... classnames should start with a capital letter :)

Oops I got ignorant but I guess thats coz of the no-salary-here issue. She won't be affected by that any way ;)

You two do not really know where to stop teasing. Why do you constantly mock all new comers? Don't you think that one person saying "No, we will not do it for.." is clear message that if other side does not show some effort will get nothing out here?
verruckt24 you been already asked to stop this is polite way.
Consider this as last warning message for all of you. One post with adequate reply is enough!

If you feel there are not enough quality post here you are more then welcome to start your own thread and discuss what is you current project, how do you go about etc.

commented: quite right +5

You two do not really know where to stop teasing. Why do you constantly mock all new comers? Don't you think that one person saying "No, we will not do it for.." is clear message that if other side does not show some effort will get nothing out here?
verruckt24 you been already asked to stop this is polite way.
Consider this as last warning message for all of you. One post with adequate reply is enough!

If you feel there are not enough quality post here you are more then welcome to start your own thread and discuss what is you current project, how do you go about etc.

Come on Peter its not as bad as you make it sound, Plus its fun to read such threads once in a while.. :) ... Remember the other thread in which masijade was on a rampage.

C'mon Peter, kinda stephen84s beat me to it, but was gonna tell you the same thing, it isn't bad having some fun while we are doing some sublime task of charity ;). And the reason I say this is because, if you see it the way we do, we are not at all making fun of the OP, rather we are just pulling each other's leg, and IMO the OP isn't going to return to this post anyways, not especially after seeing Ezzaral's post. So I guess it's more like we are having fun and not hurting the OP.
PS : Also even if the OP did return I wanted to make her realize why we cannot help her without her effort, rather than tease/hurt her, albeit in a humurous way.


And what do you all think happens when the OP *does* end up with something? Wait, let me guess, I would have to delete the off-topic posts and preachings to make this thread seem on-topic, right?

Though we all agree that a few deviations/off-topic discussions foster a healthy forum environment, way too many off-topic posts, preachings and taunts dilute the topic in consideration and gives the forum a bad name.

But ~s.o.s~ considering the questions asked in this thread and the request made in the subsequent post by the O.P. its pretty clear that this thread was not going anywhere ..... so why not salvage it by going Off Topic, And I have hardly seen this hijacking happen when questions are actually genuine.

And anyway as you said, we always have you to do the clean up :P :D

Though I agree with you on a logical note, the rules need to be followed; I am sure if you had your mod hat on and were given the responsibility of enforcing the rules, you would feel the same way.

> And anyway as you said, we always have you to do the clean up

Damn, so much for being nice ;-)

Though we all agree that a few deviations/off-topic discussions foster a healthy forum environment, way too many off-topic posts, preachings and taunts dilute the topic in consideration and gives the forum a bad name.

So I guess you are tilting at its O.K. to do it once in a while.

Though I agree with you on a logical note, the rules need to be followed.

But technically they aren't breaking anything in daniweb Member Rules ;) ... or is it ... (not that you can't add to it) :P:D !!!

Every mod's opinion is respected and taken in good spirit as we know that you are the ones who need to do the policing around here. Thats the reason I gave so much an essay of explanation to peter ;).
What my point is that we (Stultuske & I) aren't the criminals you are lookign for but just some freak crazy college guys trying to squeeze in some fun here.

commented: not a college guy any more, but "hear yeh, hear yeh" ;) +5

I enjoy these threads def.

Though in practice I would have a copy-paste on hand of the rules and a link to them and close the thread :P

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