hi can anyone pls suggest me website through which i can safely download a c++ software?

what do you mean by c++ software?? I'm assuming that you are looking for a c++ compiler/IDE?

I believe, this is a forum to help C++ programmers, not customers!

Oh, are you looking for C++ compilers, then Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition is a good option


Yeah I vote for Code::Blocks too! :) Another thing, if you really want to do a favor for yourself, consider only those environments which has a debugger. It is an incredibly powerful tool. You will C :)

I believe, this is a forum to help C++ programmers, not customers!

What is wrong with you? You never had that question before in your life? Just help the little guy.

Oh, are you looking for C++ compilers, then Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition is a good option

Visual Studio gives bad habits like all micro$oft products. I would recommend dev c++ from http://www.bloodshed.net/ because it both works in a local machine and in a portable drive or flash drive, so you can work whenever you are.


I heard code::blocks has some bugs in the libraries in windows version...

What is wrong with you? You never had that question before in your life? Just help the little guy.

We should help people, even how to ask question. If somebody fails to ask, help him to ask :)

I would recommend dev c++ from http://www.bloodshed.net/ because it both works in a local machine and in a portable drive or flash drive, so you can work whenever you are.

I right now use Code::Blocks portable in my USB stick

I heard code::blocks has some bugs in the libraries in windows version...

Not sure, but It have not thrown me out of sea. So I encourage people to use it. I have also Devshed, but Codeblocks Looks good to me! :D

Dev c++ is dead. aint developed any more, most people have moved to codeblocks

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