I play this game called GunBound, and have a nice C++ script for it.
But I need a function that can help me do the following:
int x=390;
int y=450;
for(int i = 0; i == 0; x++)
if(scanpixel(x, y) == YellowColor) i++;
I need to get the x coordinates of the pixel with the yellow color. I know the location of y will be the same every time for the color, so I just need to find the x location. I also know the x location of the pixel will be after 390, and before 780. I need a fast way of doing it too, because I need my program to be fast. So if you know of a faster way to do this, that would be great to know. :icon_wink: I also have no idea how to get the yellow color part either. :icon_rolleyes:
Thanks For Any Help,
Ryan :icon_cheesygrin: