Can I use python to read the contents of a text file on a server and dynamically update text on a web page(based on the text in that file)? This is something that I need to accomplish but I'm not sure if python is capable or if I should be using some other language?


Can python:
- Read text files? Check
- Connect to a server? Check
- Update a html-file? Check
- Serve web-pages? Check
- Anything that any other programming language can do? Check


Somebody should make a sticky thread titled "Can python do this?" with a single one-word post that reads: "Yes."

Somebody should make a sticky thread titled "Can python do this?" with a single one-word post that reads: "Yes."

Yeah but a quick no for "Can python make a 3d world that i can walk around in?" or something to the like. That is unless you are really into it and want to experiment with pyOpenGL

If people would specify their questions better, it would be easier to answer them. I.e. "I want to do <insert stuff here>. What can python offer over <insert some other programming language here> when I'm doing <insert the same stuff here>? Speed? Smaller codebase? Easier API's? <Insert specified question here>"

That would make it hellofalot easier to answer "Yes! Absolutely use python for this task!" or "No, you're probably better programming your worldofwarcraft clone in C++"

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