How to write a linq query for the following SQL statement

select * from XYZTable
where ColumnA
( select ColumnA from XYZTable
Having Count(*)>1
order by ColumnA

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LINQ statement:

var lst = from ep in dc.XYZTable group ep by ep.ColumnA into newgrp where newgrp.Count() > 1 orderby newgrp.Key from allrec  in dc.XYZTable where allrec.ColumnA == newgrp.Key select allrec;

 foreach (var rec in lst)

How to write a linq query for the following SQL statement

select * from XYZTable
where ColumnA
( select ColumnA from XYZTable
Having Count(*)>1
order by ColumnA

i looked to the best microsoft support msdn :)

here you can find the basics, also as far as i understood;

you got to have a "Column A" array stored in memory (if you are storing in file, you can easily write them to a memory by reading file, or if you are storing in database, you can easily write them to a memory by executing simple sql command), then...

List<FileType (for ex. int, float, char...)> YourListName = new List <FileType> () {ListValues};

IEnumarable <FileType> YourQueryName = 
from Element in YourListName
where Element in ( from Element2 in YourListName
                              group Element2 by YourListName.Count() > 1 into NewGroupName
                              select NewGroupName; );

foreach ( FileType XGroup in YourQueryName)
       foreach( FileType X in XGroup)
              // Do something here for each x

i am also recently learned from msdn and waiting for your answer to reply if it works or not...

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