How do I create an array when the size of the array is unknown? IE; the size of the array will depend on the contents of a file I am reading, so sometimes the array will end up being 10 sometimes 100.
The way I have tried, is to make the array in a struct but then the input is not stored in the array when I read a file, maybe there is something wrong with my code?(see comment in code)
using namespace std;
struct budget {
double expenditures[20];
double budget_limit;
budget stats;
// I have left out the menu + display functions coz they're irrelevant & cluttered
void read(budget stats);
void menu();
void display(budget stats);
int main()
return 0;
void read(budget stats)
int x;
int counter = 0;
ifstream infile;
if (!infile)
cout << "Failed to open file";
infile >> stats.budget_limit;
while (infile >> x) {
infile.ignore(100, '\n');
stats.expenditures[counter] = x;
// when the program runs the expected output from the code below does not appear??
for (int i=0; i<array_size; i++)
cout << "Purchase " << i+1 << ": " << stats.expenditures[i] << "\n";