I've learned Java, C++, and most recently C ( Fall of last year).
Seeing how there is a great deal of threads for C++ I'm thinking that I should go for C++. Which language do you suggest?

i suggest c#

> I've learned Java, C++, and most recently C ( Fall of last year).
But have you actually learnt how to PROGRAM yet?

Learning a new language a year makes you an experienced "hello world" programmer. The world is knee-deep in these kinds of programmers.

The real trick comes when you have to design and implement programs which take months (or years) of effort, and have many 10's of thousands of lines of code.
Having memorised syntax and libraries for half a dozen languages simply won't cut it. You'll just be a library book on legs.

> Seeing how there is a great deal of threads for C++
Probably something to do with it being a C++ forum.
You'll find a lot of perl threads on the perl forum, but it doesn't prove your point.

> I'm thinking that I should go for C++.
Wait, your first statement was that you already knew C++ ...

commented: Nice wording: "a library book on legs" :) +19

> I've learned Java, C++, and most recently C ( Fall of last year).
But have you actually learnt how to PROGRAM yet?

Learning a new language a year makes you an experienced "hello world" programmer. The world is knee-deep in these kinds of programmers.

The real trick comes when you have to design and implement programs which take months (or years) of effort, and have many 10's of thousands of lines of code.
Having memorised syntax and libraries for half a dozen languages simply won't cut it. You'll just be a library book on legs.

> Seeing how there is a great deal of threads for C++
Probably something to do with it being a C++ forum.
You'll find a lot of perl threads on the perl forum, but it doesn't prove your point.

> I'm thinking that I should go for C++.
Wait, your first statement was that you already knew C++ ...

Well when I said I've learned them I simply meant that I've studied them a bit and have an idea of the syntax and stuff. I'm wondering which programming language I should go in depth with.

Firstly It might be a mis-judgement that you choose C++ just because of the number of thread,

Well The Language should actually be determined by looking at what you are going to program.

And secondly, the experience you have in a particular programming language also counts.

Apart from that, i guess any other queries on any other language will be answered on the respective sub-section of the site,

So Just dont worry on which language to select, But see How comfortable are you in Writing your program in a particular lang.

In addition to all what has already been said:
No language is perfect, each language has it's advantages and disadvantages.

Here is an idea, Make a program with one of the language you
choose,make a scenario where a random number is generated for
about 100,000 times, each random number generated represents a
language you should learn in depth with. See which has the most
hit, and viola. You got your language.

One a more serious note, just pick one. By the time you decide on a
language, you could have already been learning that language.

firts i am a newbie too, so there must be errors on my explanations, please research them before believing them.

first you will not use c if you already know c++, but if you are talking about c# that is like java but not multiplatform.
java and c++ are not really like each other, c++ is a compiling language, java is something different.
java is a multiplatform language, your software written in java can be used even on a small sonyericcson phone with just small changes. c++ is not like that, you must make real changes and recompile for every platform you need.
many says java is the fastest language, but i cannot see the point in it. because there is a limewire and utorrent example, utorrent is written in c++, limewire is written in java. utorrent can handle 1000's of connections on 50gb files without getting more than %1 of my cpu and 10mb of my ram, but limewire gets more than%30 of my cpu and more than 100mb of my ram even if i try to download a mp3 file.
so, choose between java and c++, but if you are going to make software and sell it, i suggest java

commented: Good Explanation. +7

utorrent is written in c++, limewire is written in java. utorrent can handle 1000's of connections on 50gb files without getting more than %1 of my cpu and 10mb of my ram, but limewire gets more than%30 of my cpu and more than 100mb of my ram even if i try to download a mp3 file.

That's like comparing notepad and office.
Of course you're going to see a difference. The authors had different design objectives.

limewire written in C++ (with all the extra features it has) would still fare a lot worse compared to utorrent AND would lose the 'run anywhere that has Java' appeal.
Likewise, utorrent in Java would be pretty poor as well, but for different reasons.

A language is just a TOOL to do a JOB, nothing more.
You never see carpenters engaging in "hammer vs. saw" debates.

Like I said in my previous post, be the "carpenter", know your "tools", make the best choices for the task at hand.

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