I am trying to develop a program using pygame that will let you "paint." There is just one problem, when I change the RGB values, all of the pixles change!!! Please HELP!!!
import pygame, os
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((830, 620))
draw = 0
selected = 0
points = []
col = [0,0,0]
selectedtxt = 0
currtext1 = "0"
currtext2 = "0"
currtext3 = "0"
first = 0
rgbfont = pygame.font.Font(None, 12)
pygame.display.set_caption('Paint in Python')
while 1:
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
t = font.render("Clear", 1, (0, 0, 0))
trect = t.get_rect()
trect.left, trect.top = 786,3
screen.blit(t, trect)
if selected == 1:
pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,255,255),(4,24,22,22))#draw selected white box
pygame.draw.rect(screen,(col[0],col[1],col[2]),(5,25,20,20))#draw brush tool icon
m1 = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]#get mouse button 1
mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()#get mouse x,y
if mouse_x >= 5 and mouse_x <= 25 and mouse_y >= 25 and mouse_y <= 45 and m1 == 1:
draw = 1#set it so that you can draw
selected = 1#set selected to brush
if mouse_x >= 786 and mouse_x <= 820 and mouse_y >= 3 and mouse_y <= 17 and m1 == 1:
points = []#reset points
if draw == 1 and m1 == 1 and mouse_x >= 30 and mouse_y >= 20 and [mouse_x,mouse_y,col] not in points:
points += [[mouse_x,mouse_y,col]]
for x in range(0,len(points)):
pygame.draw.rect(screen,(points[x][2][0],points[x][2][1],points[x][2][2]),(points[x][0],points[x][1],2,2))#draw the pixles
pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,255,255),(3,50,20,15))#draw txtbx 1 - R
pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,255,255),(3,70,20,15))#draw txtbx 2 - G
pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,255,255),(3,90,20,15))#draw txtbx 3 - B
if (mouse_x >= 3 and mouse_x <= 23 and mouse_y >= 50 and mouse_y <= 65 and m1 == 1 or selectedtxt == 1) and selected == 1:
selectedtxt = 1
if (mouse_x >= 3 and mouse_x <= 23 and mouse_y >= 70 and mouse_y <= 85 and m1 == 1 or selectedtxt == 2) and selected == 1:
selectedtxt = 2
if (mouse_x >= 3 and mouse_x <= 23 and mouse_y >= 90 and mouse_y <= 105 and m1 == 1 or selectedtxt == 3) and selected == 1:
selectedtxt = 3
for event in pygame.event.get():
#print event.type
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key >= 48 and event.key <= 57 or event.key == 8:
if selectedtxt == 1:
if event.key == 8:
currtext1 = currtext1[0:-1]
currtext1 += str(event.key-48)
if len(currtext1) >= 4:
currtext1 = currtext1[0:3]
if currtext1 != "":
if int(currtext1) > 255:
currtext1 = "255"
rgbt1 = rgbfont.render(currtext1,1, (0, 0, 0))
rgbtrect1 = rgbt1.get_rect()
rgbtrect1.left,rgbtrect1.top = 5,54
if selectedtxt == 2:
if event.key == 8:
currtext2 = currtext2[0:-1]
currtext2 += str(event.key-48)
if len(currtext2) >= 4:
currtext2 = currtext2[0:3]
if currtext2 != "":
if int(currtext2) > 255:
currtext2 = "255"
rgbt2 = rgbfont.render(currtext2,1, (0, 0, 0))
rgbtrect2 = rgbt2.get_rect()
rgbtrect2.left,rgbtrect2.top = 5,74
if selectedtxt == 3:
if event.key == 8:
currtext3 = currtext3[0:-1]
currtext3 += str(event.key-48)
if len(currtext3) >= 4:
currtext3 = currtext3[0:3]
if currtext3 != "":
if int(currtext3) > 255:
currtext3 = "255"
rgbt3 = rgbfont.render(currtext3,1, (0, 0, 0))
rgbtrect3 = rgbt3.get_rect()
rgbtrect3.left,rgbtrect3.top = 5,94
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if first == 0:
rgbt1 = rgbfont.render(currtext1,1, (0, 0, 0))
rgbtrect1 = rgbt1.get_rect()
rgbtrect1.left,rgbtrect1.top = 5,54
rgbt2 = rgbfont.render(currtext2,1, (0, 0, 0))
rgbtrect2 = rgbt2.get_rect()
rgbtrect2.left,rgbtrect2.top = 5,74
rgbt3 = rgbfont.render(currtext3,1, (0, 0, 0))
rgbtrect3 = rgbt3.get_rect()
rgbtrect3.left,rgbtrect3.top = 5,94
first = 1
if currtext1 != "":
col[0] = int(currtext1)
if currtext2 != "":
col[1] = int(currtext2)
if currtext3 != "":
col[2] = int(currtext3)