hi im doing a project for my class and cant figure out how to code some of it. for the main .cpp file heres the code:

#include <stdafx.h>
#include "derivedClass.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string firstName="";
string lastName="";
int num;
void getName()
cout << "\nEnter employee's first name: ";
cin >> firstName;
cout << "\nEnter employee's last name: ";
cin >> lastName;

void multipleWorkers()
char answer;
cout << "\nWould you like to enter a new employee record?('y','n')\n";
cin >> answer;
if (answer=='y')
derivedClass myEmployee(firstName, lastName, 35, 50, 10);
else if (answer=='n')
cout << "\nYou entered "
<< num
<< " number of records.\n";
cout << "\nYou entered an incorrect character, please try again.";

int main() {


return 0;

then for the derivedClass.h heres the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "abstractClass.h"
using namespace std;

class derivedClass: public abstractClass {

//Clerical variables
double payRate;
double hoursWorked;
double overTime;

//Default constructor
derivedClass () {};
//Overloading function
derivedClass (string FName, string LName, double payAmount, double hours, double ot)
//Calculate clerical pay
double calcPay()
//calcPay variables
double pay;
double overTimePay;
double otPay;
//Calculates overtime pay(time and a half)
otPay = payRate * 1.5;
//Calculates overtime wage
overTimePay = overTime * otPay;
//Calculates entire pay
pay = hoursWorked * payRate + overTimePay;
//Outputs individual's pay

finally the abstractClass.h:

//Preprocessor to prevent multiple definitions of header files
#ifndef _guard_
#define _guard_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Abstract superclass
class abstractClass {

virtual double calcPay()=0;
string lName;
string fName;
string empID;
//Default construct
abstractClass (){};
//Overloading function
abstractClass (string FName, string LName)
lName = LName;
fName = FName;

basically this all works fine and does what i want it to. but i cant figure out how to implement operator overloading into the project(one of the requirements) and i also need to display the highest/lowest/average net pays with the employee names next to them. any ideas would be extremely helpful. also i dont really understand operator overloading and how to use it so any information on that would also be greatly appreciated.

Which operator do you need to overload? Such as, do you need to write and read the classes to file? IN that case you could overload the << and >> operators.

Which operator do you need to overload? Such as, do you need to write and read the classes to file? IN that case you could overload the << and >> operators.

the specifications just say i need to have an example of overloading operators, doesn't matter which one i do. i just dont know how.

Lets say you want to write the class out to a file, then overload the << oeprator

class derivedClass: public abstractClass 
    friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, derivedClass& cl);

// in the implementation file

ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, derivedClass& cl)

   out << cl.payRate << " " << hoursWorked << " " << overtime
        << lname << " " << fname << " " << empID << "\n";
   return out;

Now do something similar with the >> operator.

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