I can loop while the datatable is full, but get an error when it is empty. How do I know it's empty.

What is the error you are getting?

You could do a test for the number of records and only loop if it is greater than 0.

And how are you looping through the table?


Dim dr As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

Do While dr.Read

Hope this helps

Dim myConnStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + myPath
Dim myConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(myConnStr)
Dim myAdapt As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(myQuery, myConn)

Dim myReader As New DataSet

** I need to check if myReader is empty

tbGATE.Text = myReader.Rows(0)("dGate")
tbCONC.Text = myReader.Rows(0)("dConc")
tbPAY.Text = myReader.Rows(0)("dPayment")

** I need to check if myReader.Rows(0)("dWeather") is empty

cbWEATHER.DisplayMember = myReader.Rows(0)("dWeather")


Catch ex As Exception
End Try

(For sake of confusion, I would not name my Dataset as myReader - seems to refer to a datareader to someone not knowing what you are coding for.... just some programming edicate I thought I should pass on)

Saying that......

Add the line

If myReader.Tables("dWeather").Rows.Count > 0 Then

Hope this helps

Dim myConnStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + myPath
Dim myConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(myConnStr)
Dim myAdapt As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(myQuery, myConn)

Dim myReader As New DataSet

** I need to check if myReader is empty

tbGATE.Text = myReader.Rows(0)("dGate")
tbCONC.Text = myReader.Rows(0)("dConc")
tbPAY.Text = myReader.Rows(0)("dPayment")

** I need to check if myReader.Rows(0)("dWeather") is empty

cbWEATHER.DisplayMember = myReader.Rows(0)("dWeather")


Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Also might do well to ensure the object itself is not Nothing.
If a SQL call fails, the dataset/table object can remain uninitialized, in which case myReader.Rows will throw an error.



Really Janet.... A Thread From 2005?

Better late than never :D

Try this

If Not dataset1 Is Nothing Then
... Process dataset
End If

You probably can guess this from the previous threads but I use:

dim MyTable as Datatable
'fill datatable....
If (MyTable Is Nothing) Or (MyTable.Rows.Count =0 ) Then
'it's empty
'it exists and there are rows 
End if

last one works....thanks man...

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