Hey guys,

I am working on this square deal problem that I cant figure out.

This is the problem:

Input for this program will be two positive integers entered from the keyboard via scanf. The first will be an odd integer N in the range of 3 to 15. N will be used as the size of a square array. The second integer will be an initial value I. Both N and I will be small enough so the I + N squared is less than 1000.

Begin in the center of an N x N array, with the integer I. If I is prime, then print the number I in that position of the square. Otherwise, print *** in that position. Move to the right one square, and test the integer I+1 for primality. Print I+1 if it is prime and *** if it is not. Proceed in a counterclockwise spiral through the square until the square is full of numbers and ***. Then print the array.

Example: If N=5 and I = 16 then your output should be:

*** 31 *** 29 ***
*** *** 19 *** ***
*** *** *** 17 ***
*** *** 23 *** ***
*** 37 *** *** ***

This is what I have done so far, but I cant figure out how to set up my for loop in main function:

#include <stdio.h>

int main( ) {

  int n, i;

  printf( "Enter an odd integer n between 3 and 15: " ) ;
  scanf( "%d", &n ) ;

  printf( "Enter an initial value i: " ) ;
  scanf( "%d", &i ) ;

  int arr[n][n] ;

  for( j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
    for( k = 0 ; k < n ; k++ ) {
      if( IsPrime( i ) == 1 ) return i ;
          printf( "***" ) ;
      arr[j][k] = arr[j+1][k+1] ;

  return 0;

int IsPrime( int n ) {

 int i, count = 0 ;

 for( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ) {
   if( ( n % i ) == 0 ) count++ ;

 return ( count == 2 ) ;


Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you...

The main loop should fill the array (not print it, but just fill) in the following manner:

K steps to the right
    K steps up
    increment K
    K steps left
    K steps down
    increment K

Break the loop as soon as K reaches N.
Of course, each step increments I as well.
A step to the left changes current coordinates (i, j) to (i - 1, j), a step down - to (i, j + 1) etc.
Once the array is filled up, print it in another loop.

The main loop should fill the array (not print it, but just fill) in the following manner:

K steps to the right
    K steps up
    increment K
    K steps left
    K steps down
    increment K

Break the loop as soon as K reaches N.
Of course, each step increments I as well.
A step to the left changes current coordinates (i, j) to (i - 1, j), a step down - to (i, j + 1) etc.
Once the array is filled up, print it in another loop.

thanks for your help but i guess i am not understanding it clearly..
i would really appreciate if you could show me in code...


thanks for your help but i guess i am not understanding it clearly..
i would really appreciate if you could show me in code...


Something along the lines of

int k = 1;
int i = N/2 + 1;
int j = N/2 + 1;
while (k < N) {
    int s;
    // going right:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, i++, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;
    // going up:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, j--, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;
    // going left:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, i--, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;
    // going down:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, j++, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;

Something along the lines of

int k = 1;
int i = N/2 + 1;
int j = N/2 + 1;
while (k < N) {
    int s;
    // going right:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, i++, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;
    // going up:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, j--, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;
    // going left:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, i--, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;
    // going down:
    for (s = 0; s < k; s++, j++, I++)
        arr[i][j] = isPrime(I)? I: -1;

thanks again...so how do I print out the values in a different for loop? (as you mentioned in your previous post )

/* Programer:                                */
/*                                           */
/* Program 64: Square Deal                   */
/*                                           */
/* Approximate completion time:  1 hour      */
#include <stdio.h>
/* initializes functions and array */
int A[15][15];
int prime(int n);
int square(int n, int i, int o);
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
  /* initalizes variables */
  int N;
  int I;
  int i;
  int m;
  int j;
  int ans;
  /* prompt user and check entry */
  printf("Please enter an odd dimension between 3 and 15 for the array :\n");
  if(N%2==0 || N > 15 || N < 3){
    printf("invalid entry\n");
    return 0;
  printf("Please enter a starting number beween 1 and 100 for the spiral :\n");
  if(I<1 || I>100){
    printf("invalid entry");
    return 0;
  /* fill center space and call function */
  m = square(N,I,0);

  /* print box */
      if (ans == 0)
        printf(" *** ");
      else if(A[j][i]<10)
        printf("  %d  ",A[j][i]);
      else if(A[j][i]<100)
        printf("  %d ",A[j][i]);
        printf(" %d ",A[j][i]);

  return 0;

/* identifies prime numbers */
int prime(int n) {

  int i;
  int count = 0;
  for(i=1;i<n;i++) {
  if (count==1)
    return n;
    return 0;

/* populates array */
int square(int n, int i, int o) {

  int h;
  int v;
  int c = i + (n * n) - 1;
  if(n == 1){
    return 0;
    A[n-h+o][n-1+o] = c;
    A[n-h+o][n-v+o] = c;
    A[n-h+o][n-v+o] = c;
    A[n-1+o][n-v+o] = c;

  return square(n-2,i,++o);
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