[December] 5.

Greetings and salutations!

My first visit here a few weeks ago was very helpful and friendly thanks to dkalita.

I’ve been moving forward on my own since then, but it appears I have run into another dilemma.

I have a short program listed below. It compiles fine.

The problem is that I would like the program to do one more thing, but I am at a loss on how to make it happen.

Here is the problem: I have an overloaded equality operator member function for the Student class. It currently does a fine job comparing the “myStudentId” data member of the two Student objects in the program. When I compare these two student objects, I would like it to compare the “myName” strings that are inherited from the Person class as well. Will someone please show me how I can compare “myName” & “myStudentId” of two Student objects in one fell swoop?

I have an overload equality function in the Person class, but it is currently empty.

Thank you!

// William Byrd II

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Person
    Person(const string name)
    myName = name;
    bool operator==(const Person& p) const;

    string myName;

// declares Student class as publicly inheriting from the Person class
class Student : public Person 
    // implemented constructor for the Student class
    Student(const string name,
            const int studentId)
    : Person( name )
        myStudentId = studentId;
    // implemented overloaded equality operator Student class member function
    bool operator==(const Student& s) const
    if ( myStudentId == s.myStudentId )
        return true;
        return false;

    int myStudentId;

int main()
    Student app1( "William Byrd II", 8765309 );
    Student app2( "William Byrd II", 8765309 );
    // test overloaded == operator for Student class
    cout << "app1" << ( ( app1 == app2 ) 
        ? " == " : " != " ) << "app2"
        << " according to the overloaded == operator\n";
    return 0;

Can you call Person::operator==(s) in the derived class and AND the results with your derived class comparison?

so like:

bool operator==(const Student& s) const
    return (myStudentId == s.myStudentId && Person::operator==(s));

EDIT: I did test it out and it seems to work.

[December] 5.

Thanks for your reply, jonsca . I’m not quite sure how to implement that. I tried.

If you or someone has the time, please copy and paste my program and insert what it is missing.

If I can see the complete, finished version, I will be able to learn from it. I just need to see it.

Thank you.

// William Byrd II

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Person
    Person(const string name)
    myName = name;
    bool operator==(const Person& p) const
	return (myName == p.myName);

    string myName;

// declares Student class as publicly inheriting from the Person class
class Student : public Person 
    // implemented constructor for the Student class
    Student(const string name,
            const int studentId)
    : Person( name )
        myStudentId = studentId;
    // implemented overloaded equality operator Student class member function
    bool operator==(const Student& s) const
    return (myStudentId == s.myStudentId && Person::operator==(s));
        //since we want a boolean anyway we don't need the if/else

    int myStudentId;

int main()
    Student app1( "William Byrd II", 8765309 );
    Student app2( "William Byrd II", 8765309 );
    // test overloaded == operator for Student class
    cout << "app1" << ( ( app1 == app2 ) 
        ? " == " : " != " ) << "app2"
        << " according to the overloaded == operator\n";
    cin.get();  //changed this from your system call
    return 0;

I had forgotten to mention that I fleshed out your base class == sorry about that

[December] 5.

Thanks, jonsca . I was going to edit my post and tell you that I figured it out thanks to your original post, but you beat me to it.

I appreciate your help. Thanks for looking out.

Never a prob. Good luck with it.

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