Hi i'm new to C++ and have made a grading system application. The application works, but I would prefer to use one variable for student name instead of two seperate variables, but when I try to do this it skips to the next line of code when I run the application. I have tried cin >> and cin.getline, but before I can enter the students name it jumps to enter assignment result.
//Student grading system
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
char con;
int total[6];
int Ac;
char course[25];
char studentfirstname[6][25];
char studentsurname[6][25];
int Assign1[6];
int Assign2[6];
char grade[6][15];
void Grade_Function(int total){
if ((total >=0) && (total <=39)) {
cout << "Fail" << endl;
if ((total >=40) && (total <=59)) {
cout << "Pass" << endl;
if ((total >=60) && (total <=79)) {
cout << "Merit" << endl;
if ((total >=80) && (total <=100)) {
cout << "Distinction" << endl;
int main (void)
char indicator;
cout << "\n\t***************************************************************";
cout << endl;
cout << " " ;
cout << endl;
cout << "\t\tWelcome to the Student Grading System "
<< "\n\t\tThis is a student grading system"
<< "\n\t\tEnter the course, student name and assignment"
<< "\n\t\tresult to find out the grade for each student";
cout << endl;
cout <<"\n\t***************************************************************" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "\n\t\tPress c to continue to the grading system: ";
cin >> indicator;
if ((indicator == 'c')|| (indicator == 'C'))
system ("CLS");
return 0;
while (true)
cout << "\nEnter The Course: " << endl;
cin >> course;
for (Ac = 0; Ac < 6; Ac++)
cout << "\nEnter Students First Name: " << endl;
cin >> studentfirstname[Ac];
cout << "\nEnter students surname: " << endl;
cin >> studentsurname[Ac];
cout << "\nPlease Enter Assignment 1 result: " << endl;
cin >> Assign1[Ac];
cout << "\nPlease Enter Assignment 2 result: " << endl;
cin >> Assign2[Ac];
total[Ac] = Assign1[Ac] + Assign2[Ac];
cout << "********************************************************"
<< "\n\n\t\tCourse Name: "
<< course << "\n"
<< "********************************************************";
cout << "\nStudent Name \t\t\tGrade\n"
<< "________________________________________________________\n";
for (Ac = 0; Ac < 6; Ac++)
cout << studentfirstname[Ac] << " " << studentsurname[Ac] << "\t\t\t";
cout << "********************************************************";
cout << "\n\nIf you want to add another six students press Y to continue."
<< "\nElse press any key to exit" << endl;
cin >> con;
if ((con == 'y')|| (con == 'Y'))
Ac = 0;
cout << "\n\nThankyou for using the student grading system" << endl;
return 0;