consider the following (illustrative .. no NULL checking):
class MS {
TCHAR _buff[1024];
MS() { ZeroMemory(_buff,sizeof(_buff)); }
~MS() { }
LPCTSTR operator LPCTSTR() { return _buff; }
void operator = (LPCTSTR s) { _tcscpy(_buff,s); }
BOOL operator == (LPCTSTR b) { return _tcscmp(_buff,b)==0; }
BOOL operator == (MS &m) { return _tcscmp(_buff,m._buff))==0; }
BOOL operator != (LPCTSTR b) { return _tcscmp(_buff,b)!=0; }
BOOL operator != (MS &m) { return _tcscmp(_buff,m._buff)!=0; }
I want to write a simple if statement such as:
MS a; a=_T("hello");
MS b; b=_T("world");
BOOL match = FALSE;
if (a==b)
match = TRUE;
I would like for the comparison "a==b" to perform the _tcscmp, but because of the "operator ()" the function is trying to compare two pointers.
Is there a way to control the precedence of the operators?
The immediate solution is to remove the "operator ()", but, it is a nice convenience function.