Hi there,
I'm trying to write a metronome for my brother (who is a drummer). He tried a few that was downloadable but want's to have a custom one according to his specs...
Now i only have 1-2 months of C# programming experience (1 month for the following each aswell: VB, C++ and Java). My problem is that i want the sound ticking (keeping the beat) to happen on a certain interval. My thoughts to solving this was to use the built in timer but it only takes Int32 values as it's interval. In orther words if i have 60000 milliseconds (1 min) and wanted to have a beat of 175 p/m then 60000/175 = 342.85714285714285714285714285714.
I can't round of this number cause then the beat will eventually go off... Am i thingking of the best solution here or not?
Any advice will be appreciated! Tnx in advance!