how to create a program using C++ pls tech me :P ;)


split from here

commented: Smooth +18

Whenever in doubt, use the urban-dictionary. It came in handy for me a couple of times. I never joined the l33t hoaxers either :)

I'm surprised the guy even had the ability to sign up.

commented: Yeah, they can't use Google, except for finding forums :P +6

how to create a program using C++ pls tech me :P ;)

Read a tutorial.

how to create a program using C++ pls tech me :P ;)

First download and IDE, I prefer, Microsoft visual C++ express edition 2008. Its the bottom left, with
the yellow colored box.

Second learn how to create a project, google it up.

Third, youtube , "hello world program in visual studio C++ 2008".

Follow those steps then your quest to C++ perfection will start.

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