Im supposed to implement a quad tree that will input cities into a fixed format. when the user asks for a particular city, all cities within a certain range will be displayed. i think i have the right method's in place, but for some reason or another, the program wont run. any help would be appreciated. thanks!
this is my def.h file

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

class city
	string name;
	double x;
	double y;

class quadtree

	class node


		city nodecity;
		node * NorthEast;
		node * NorthWest;
		node * SouthEast;
		node * SoutWest;
	//insert thru recursion
	void recInsert(double x,double y,string name, node * & p);

	//traverse thru recursion
	void recTraverse(node * h);

	node * head;

	void recRange (double x, double y, double radius, node *p, list<city>&CityList);
	bool inRange (double X, double X1,double Y, double Y1, double radius);
	city nearestCity( double x, double y )   //this should return the city closest to city point (x, y).
	city recNearestcity(double x, double y, node *& p, city previous);
    city minimumDistance(double x, double y, city current, city previous);
	list<city>*inrange(double x, double y, double radius);

	void insert( double x, double y, string name); //insert function
	void traverse(); //traverse function


//definition of the insert function
void quadtree::insert(double x, double y,string name)

	recInsert(x, y,name,head);

//definition of the traverse function
void quadtree::traverse()


//definition of the recusive insert function.
void quadtree::recInsert(double x,double y,string name,node  * & p)
	if (p==NULL)
		p=new node;

		if(( x >= p->nodecity.x) &&( y > p->nodecity.y))
		{  //NE direction
			recInsert(x, y, name,p->NorthEast);

			if( x < p->nodecity.x && y >= p->nodecity.y)
			{ // NW direction
				recInsert(x, y, name,p->NorthWest);

				if( x > p->nodecity.x && y <= p->nodecity.y)
				{ // SE direction
					recInsert( x, y, name,p->SouthEast);
					if( x <= p->nodecity.x && y < p->nodecity.y)
					{ // SW direction
						recInsert(x, y, name, p->SouthWest);

void quadtree::recTraverse(node  * p)
		//cout the name of the city
		cout<<p-><<"  ("<<p->nodecity.x<<","<<p->nodecity.y<<") "<<endl;
//this will verify whether its inside the range or not.
bool quadtree::inRange(double X, double X1,double Y, double Y1, double radius)
	//distance formula
	double dis = sqrt( pow(X - X1,2.0)+ pow(Y - Y1,2.0));

	//check with the radius if greater than or equal to the distance;
	//if so return true
	if (radius >= dis)
		return true;

	//else return false
		return false;

//this should return a list with all the cities with the given radius
void quadtree::recRange (double x, double y, double radius, node *p, list<city>&CityList)
	//since the base case if p=NULL therefore we can start on the general solution
	if (p!=NULL)
		if (p->NorthWest !=NULL)
			if (inRange(x, p->NorthWest->nodecity.x, y, p->NorthWest->nodecity.y,radius))
				//if its inside the range, insert to list
					CityList.push_front(p->NorthEast->nodecity);  //insert city unto list

					recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthEast->NorthWest, CityList); //Check the 4 coordinates
					recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthEast->NorthEast, CityList); //of that city
					recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthEast->SouthWest, CityList);
					recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthEast->SouthEast, CityList);
			//if is not in range :
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthEast->NorthWest, CityList);  //since the citty is not in
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthEast->SouthWest, CityList);  //range, just check the 3 nearest
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthEast->SouthEast, CityList);  //subtrees of that city

		//while NW is not pointing to NULL check all cities in NW direction
		if(p->NorthWest!= NULL)
			//this checks if the city on the NW is inside the range
			if (inRange (x, p->NorthWest->nodecity.x, y, p->NorthWest->nodecity.y, radius))

				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthWest->NorthWest, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthWeset->NorthEast, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthWest->SouthWest, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthWest->SouthEast, CityList);
			//if is not in range :
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthWest->NorthEast, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthWest->SouthWest, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->NorthWest->SouthEast, CityList);

		//while SE is not pointing to NULL check all cities in SE direction
		if(p->SouthEast!= NULL)
			//this checks if the city on the SE is inside the range
			if (inRange (x, p->SouthEast->nodecity.x, y, p->SouthEast->nodecity.y, radius))
				CityList.push_front(p->SouthEast->nodecity);   //insert city unto list

				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthEast->NorthWest, CityList);  //check the 4 coordinates
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthEast->NorthEast, CityList);  //of the subtrees of the
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthEast->SouthWest, CityList);  //city
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthEast->SouthEast, CityList);
			//if is not in range :
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthEast->NorthWest, CityList);  //since that city is not
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthEast->SouthWest, CityList);  //in range, just check the
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthEast->NorthEast, CityList);  //nearest tree subtrees of the city

		//while SW is not pointing to NULL check all cities in SW direction
		if(p->SouthWest!= NULL)
			//this if checks if the city on the NE is inside the range
			if (inRange (x, p->SouthWest->nodecity.x, y, p->SouthWest->nodecity.y, radius))

				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthWest->NorthWest, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthWest->NorthEast, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthWest->SouthWest, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthWest->SouthEast, CityList);
			//if is not in range :
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthWest->NorthWest, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthWest->NorthEast, CityList);
				recRange(x, y, radius, p->SouthWest->SouthEast, CityList);




// Calling the function range which checks if the root is inside the range
list<city> quadtree::inRange(double x, double y, double radius)
	list<city> List;

	if (head!=NULL)
		if (inRange (x, head->nodecity.x, y, head->nodecity.y, radius))

		recRange(x,y,radius, head, listname);

	return List;   // to return the list with the names of the cities that 
	// are within the given range

city quadtree::nearestCity(double x, double y));   //this should return the city closest to city point (x, y).
	city previous; = "empty";
	previous.x = 83720478;
	previous.y = 63829631;

	city city;
	city nearestCity;

	if (head== NULL)
		return previous;
		if (x >=head->nodecity.x && y >= head->nodecity.y)
			previous = head->nodecity;
			 city = recNearestcity(x, y, head->NorthEast, previous);
		else if (x < head->nodecity.x && y >= head->nodecity.y)
			previous = head->nodecity;
			 city = recNearestcity(x, y, head->NorthWest, previous);
		else if (x >=head->nodecity.x && y < head->nodecity.y)
			previous = head->nodecity;
			 city = recNearestcity(x, y, head->SouthEast, previous);
		else //if (x < ptr->data.x && y < ptr->data.y)
			previous = head->nodecity;
			 city = recNearestcity(x, y, head->SouthWest, previous);

		 nearestCity = minimumDistance(x, y, current, previous);
		return nearestCity;

city quadtree::recNearestcity(double x, double y, node *& p, city previous)
	city city;
	city nearestCity;

	if (p == NULL)
		return previous;
		if (x >= p->nodecity.x && y >= p->nodecity.y)
			previous = p->nodecity;
			 city= recNearestcity(x, y, p->NorthEast, previous);
		else if (x < p->nodecity.x && y >= p->nodecity.y)
			previous = p->nodecity;
		 city = recNearestcity(x, y, p->NorthWest, previous);
		else if (x >= p->nodecity.x && y < p->nodecity.y)
			previous = p->nodecity;
			city = recNearestcity(x, y, p->SouthEast, previous);
			previous = p->nodecity;
			city = recNearestcity(x, y, p->SouthWest, previous);

	    nearest = minimumDistance(x, y, current, previous);
		return nearestCity;

and this would be the quad implementaion.

#include <iostream>
#include "def.h"

using namespace std;


print_citylist (std::list<city> * plist, std::string message)


    //std::cout << "" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "--------- " << message << " BEGIN ---------" << std::endl;

    for (std::list<city>::iterator it = plist->begin(); it != plist->end(); it ++) {

        std::cout << "City: '" << (*it).name << "'\t(x=" << (*it).x << ", y=" << (*it).y << ")" << std::endl;


    std::cout << "--------- " << message << " END ---------" << std::endl;


int main()


    pointquadtree citytree;

    citytree.insert ( 100, 100, "Chicago");

    citytree.insert ( 25, 125, "McAllen");

    citytree.insert ( 50, 150, "Los Angeles");

    citytree.insert ( 75, 130, "Detroit");

    citytree.insert ( 150,  50, "New York");

    citytree.insert ( 10,  40, "Austin");

    city closestCity = citytree.nearestCity (63, 84);

    cout << "The closest city is " << << endl;

    double x = 50;

    double y = 95;

    double r = 100;

    std::list<city> * closeCities = citytree.in_range (x, y, r);

    if (NULL == closeCities) {



    print_citylist (closecities, "city list");

    delete closecities;

    return 0;

any help would be very much appreciated!! thanks!!

Define "won't run"

400 lines of code with no idea what we're looking for nor why is not going to happen easily.

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