This program will calculate commision based on the value of sales made...

im getting three errors so far...

1>h:\cs110\assignment6\assignment6.cpp(22) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'third' used
1>h:\cs110\assignment6\assignment6.cpp(22) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'second' used
1>h:\cs110\assignment6\assignment6.cpp(22) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'first' used.

I was reading some books and some webpages but could find a place to find the "easy" error as they called it :(

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

void salesValue(double dollars);
void commission (double dollars,double first,double second,double third);
void calculate (double dollars,double first,double second,double third);
//function prototypes

int main ()
	double dollars;
	double first;
	double second;
	double third;

	cout<<"What is the sale value?"<<endl;

commission (dollars, first, second,  third);
salesValue (dollars);
calculate (dollars, first, second, third);

	return 0;


void salesValue (double dollars)
	cout<<"The sale value was"<<dollars<<endl;


void commission (double dollars,double first,double second,double third)

void calculate (double dollars,double first,double second,double third)


	if (dollars < 1000)
		cout<<first<<"Comission was 2% "<<endl;
	  else if (dollars > 1000 && dollars <=10000)
				cout<<second<<"commission was 3%"<<endl;
				else if (dollars >=10001)
					cout<<third<<"commission was 5%"<<endl;
		     		else if  (dollars >= 50000)
						cout<<"This store does not allow sells over 50000"<<endl;
						cout<<"Wrong imput"<<endl; 

What's the difference?

void foo ( ) {
  int a; // uninitialised :(


void foo ( ) {
  int a = 0; // initialised :)

> warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'third' used
So initialise them then!

There is nothing in first second or third when you are calling your method. Where should these values come from? I think you mean to pass them by reference, so add a & before each variable name in your prototype and function definitions (but not where you call it)
For example: void commission (double dollars,double & first,double & second,double & third) and change line 8 to reflect this but leave line 22 as it is.
Your other method doesn't require this as you are not changing the values of those variables within the function.

EDIT: And Salem's advice ^^^^^^^^

ok so I initialized them :S
double dollars;
double first=0;
double second=0;
double third=0;

the program runs, no bugs at all but the teacher DID not teach us this yet :/ I think it was her fault for not telling us so I will ask her for sure :) thank you both tho... couldnt done it without you guys... sorry for being a selfish dude tho :D good night!

oh nevermind it does not work the way I intended it :S

DONE thank you guys!! heres the solution ;) :)

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

void salesValue(double dollars);
void commission (double dollars,double & first,double & second,double & third);
void calculate (double dollars,double & first,double & second,double & third);
//function prototypes

int main ()
	double dollars;
	double first;
	double second;
	double third;

	cout<<"What is the sale value?";

salesValue (dollars);
commission (dollars, first, second, third );
calculate (dollars, first, second, third);

	return 0;


void salesValue (double dollars)
	cout<<"The sale value was"<<dollars<<endl;


void commission (double dollars,double & first,double & second,double & third)

void calculate (double dollars,double & first,double & second,double & third)


	if (dollars < 1000)
		cout<<"Comission was 2% "<<"and the calculation is"<<first<<endl;
	  else if (dollars > 1000 && dollars <=10000)
				cout<<second<<"commission was 3%"<<endl;
				else if (dollars >=10001)
					cout<<third<<"commission was 5%"<<endl;
		     		else if  (dollars >= 50000)
						cout<<"This store does not allow sells over 50000"<<endl;
						cout<<"Wrong imput"<<endl; 

sorry for the spamming...
multiple curly braces were applied in my last edit... else if statement were replaced by if () statements :) and now it really works.


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