
Can anyone help me in getting a code for reading a file in C language and counting different characters in it and then make a histogram based on the obtained results....................................plz help :)

I don't know about helping you "get" code, but I can help you *write* code for this histogram.

What do you have for input, (how is it organized, especially)?

Post up your code that you have so far - you do need to show some work, here - and make a small input file example and attach it to your post (or just wrap it in code tags, also and post it as well).

You should read up on just what a histogram is, if you don't already know. (I think you do know).

And tell us what you're stumped on, please. "Help" is not all that helpful, oddly. "Help with *SOMETHING*, is much more -- yeah! Helpful!! :)

Dear Adak,

Thanks for your prompt response....Actually i am new to "C" world....I just learned the syntax and few commands through the software help.........

My objective is to write a code which read a file as an input and count the number of English characters as appearing in the input file and then construct a Histogram/plot based on that count....

So, let me know how to take a start...........and how can i learn C ,any tutorial if u recommend plz?



On the right hand side of the forum, there is a green box labeled "Related Forum Features", which includes a C tutorial. Google has several others.

Most C forums that are active, have either a tutorial, a FAQ, or both.

You can't do what you want with (almost) no knowledge of C. It's like trying to lose weight - first you have to restrict your calories enough, and THEN you start to lose weight. It doesn't work the other way around, no matter who you are, or how much you might pray for it to be like that. ;)

We had to work to learn C, and you will also - or you won't learn C. Asking for help finding a tutorial, when you have a link right in front of you, is somewhat disingenuous, imo.

Your problem sounds like a homework assignment
from an introductory programming class,
if so, getting the code from the internet would be cheating,

I don't think this forum was intended for that purpose.

Can anyone help me in getting a code for reading a file in C language and counting different characters in it and then make a histogram based on the obtained results....................................plz help :)


Can anyone help me in getting a code for reading a file in C language and counting different characters in it and then make a histogram based on the obtained results....................................plz help :)

Dear friend,

you can find in the E-balagurusamy's books,


E. Balaguruswami is not a good author. I was reading his C++ book and it has many mistakes. Most notably the use of void main all over the place
I would recommend, Let us C, by Yashwant Kanitkar

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