any link or good idea for reading mpeg4 header in c#??

I hear that quicktime has a COM api that allows for automatic parsing of file headers. But it's unconfirmed. Its just an idea. there is a Mpeg 1/2 class floating around.

This link might help It has a good amount of information about the mpeg-4 file format.

Parsing a header is complicated, especially with video headers as the container file has a header, and each stream has a header. So even with the most simple video there are actually 3 headers to parse. The container header, the video header, and the audio header. Its a serious task and not something you will throw together very quickly, But good luck.

Hi Diamonddrake, Thanks for your reply

Yes, it's a bit serious thing. Actually i want to know my video file resolution, bitrate,audio channel, compression used .. etc.
I already have some code which can read .mp3 file format. but i really don't know about .mp4 .
will get on mpeg1/2 .--

I found this for mpeg 1/2

public class MPEGInfo


    #region index structures from mpgtx source

    int[, ,] BitRateIndex = new int[2, 3, 16]


                { // MPEG 1

                    {0,32,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288,320,352,384,416,448,0}, // layer 1

                    {0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384,0}, // layer 2

                    {0,32,40,48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,0}  // layer 3


                {// MPEG 2 or 2.5

                    {0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,176,192,224,256,0}, // layer 1

                    {0, 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,0}, // layer 2

                    {0, 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,0}  // layer 3




    int[,] SamplingIndex = new int[3, 4]


                {44100,48000,32000,0}, // mpeg 1

                {22050,24000,16000,0}, // mpeg 2

                {11025,12000, 8000,0}  // mpeg 2.5



    double[] FrameRateIndex = new double[9]


            0d, 24000d/1001d, 24d, 25d,

            30000d/1001d, 30d, 50d,

            60000d/1001d, 60d



    string[] AspectRatioIndex = new string[5]



                "1/1 (VGA)",

                "4/3 (TV)",

                "16/9 (Large TV)",

                "2.21/1 (Cinema)"



    public string[] ModeIndex = new string[4] // these can change anytime specs change so be careful



                "Joint Stereo",

                "Dual Channel",




    public string[] EmphasisIndex = new string[4] // same as above


                "No Emphasis",

                "50/15 Micro seconds",


                "CCITT J 17",




    #region properties


    public class Video


        public int GopHeaders;

        public int Height; // px

        public int Width;

        public double FrameRate; // fps

        public int AspectRatioCode;

        public string AspectRatio;

        public int BitRate;

        public double Duration; // seconds

        public double MuxRate;

        public int ChromaFormat;

        public string ChromaFormatText;

        public int Format;

        public string FormatText;

        public int Frames;

        public int Version = 1; // by default its 1


    public Video VideoInfo;


    public class Audio


        public double Version;

        public int Layer;

        public bool Protected;

        public int BitRate;

        public float ByteRate;

        public int SamplingRate;

        public bool Padding;

        public int ModeCode;

        public int ModeXt;

        public bool Copyright;

        public int EmphasisIndex;

        public bool Original;

        public int FrameLength;

        // seconds; duration = file size / bit rate but from what i understand there is a timestamp

        // for initial and one for when video ends, so accurate duration = timestamp end - timestamp start

        public double Duration;

        public int Frames;


    public Audio AudioInfo;



    public bool EnableTrace; // debugging purposes


    const byte PADDING_PACKET = 0xBE; // use these to compare instead of bytes every time

    const byte VIDEO_PACKET = 0xE0;

    const byte AUDIO_PACKET = 0xC0;

    const byte SYSTEM_PACKET = 0xBB;


    const double FLOAT_0x10000 = (double)((UInt32)1 << 16); // unsigned long in c++ is UInt32 in c#

    const UInt32 STD_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ = (UInt32)90000;


    const int BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; // 8K buffer


    int _mpegVersion = 1;

    long _fileSize;

    double _initialTS; // needed to fix video/audio duration

    bool _mpeg2Found; // switch needed to fix video duration


    byte[] _backwardBuffer;

    byte[] _forwardBuffer;


    FileStream _fs;

    BinaryReader _br;


    public MPEGInfo(string file)


        if (!File.Exists(file))




        _fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);

        _br = new BinaryReader(_fs);



    public void Parse()


        if (_br != null)


            _backwardBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

            _forwardBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

            _fileSize = _fs.Length;

            VideoInfo = new Video();

            AudioInfo = new Audio();



            //_br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // go back to the start (redundant now)


            //_br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // go back to the start







    int _backwardBufferStart = 0;

    int _backwardBufferEnd = 0;


    byte GetByteBackwards(int offset)


        int pos = -1;

        if (offset >= _backwardBufferEnd || offset < _backwardBufferStart) // need new buffer


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- new buffer needed; offset: {0}, buffer start: {1}, buffer end: {2}", offset,

            //    _backwardBufferStart, _backwardBufferEnd));


            pos = offset - BUFFER_SIZE + 1;

            if (pos < 0) { pos = 0; }


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- position: {0}", pos));


            _backwardBufferStart = pos;

            _backwardBufferEnd = offset;


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- buffer start: {0}, buffer end: {1}",

            //    _backwardBufferStart, _backwardBufferEnd));


            _br.BaseStream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            _br.Read(_backwardBuffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);



        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- offset: {0}, buffer start: {1}",

        //        offset, _backwardBufferStart));


        // got new buffer or still  in range

        return _backwardBuffer[offset - _backwardBufferStart];



    int _forwardBufferStart = 0;

    int _forwardBufferEnd = 0;


    byte GetByte(int offset)


        int pos = -1;

        if (offset >= _forwardBufferEnd || offset < _forwardBufferStart) // need new buffer


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- new f buffer needed; offset: {0}, buffer start: {1}, buffer end: {2}", offset,

            //    _forwardBufferStart, _forwardBufferEnd));


            pos = offset + BUFFER_SIZE;

            if (pos > _fileSize) { pos = (int)_fileSize; }


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- f position: {0}", pos));


            _forwardBufferStart = offset;

            _forwardBufferEnd = pos;


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- f buffer start: {0}, buffer end: {1}",

            //    _forwardBufferStart, _forwardBufferEnd));


            _br.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            _br.Read(_forwardBuffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);



        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- f offset after creating/if statements: {0}, buffer start: {1}",

        //        offset, _forwardBufferStart));


        // got new buffer or still  in range

        return _forwardBuffer[offset - _forwardBufferStart];



    int GetSize(int offset)


        return GetByte(offset) * 256 + GetByte(offset + 1);



    /// <summary>

    /// Find the specified marker given a starting position

    /// </summary>

    /// <param name="offset">Position to start searching from</param>

    /// <param name="marker">Marker to search for</param>

    /// <returns>True and the offset if the maker is found</returns>

    bool EnsureMPEG(out int offset, byte marker)


        offset = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < _fileSize - 4; i++)


            if (GetByte(i) == 0x00

                && GetByte(i + 1) == 0x00

                && GetByte(i + 2) == 0x01

                && GetByte(i + 3) == marker)


                offset = i;

                return true;



        return false;



    /// <summary>

    /// Find a specific marker by going through the file in reverse

    /// TODO: Improve this (GetByte() is slow when using this method because it seeks from the start

    /// </summary>

    /// <param name="offset">Position to start searching from</param>

    /// <param name="marker">Marker to search for</param>

    /// <returns>Position of the marker</returns>

    int FindMarkerBackwards(int offset, byte marker)



        for (int i = offset; i > 0; i--)


            if (GetByteBackwards(i) == 0x00

                && GetByteBackwards(i + 1) == 0x00

                && GetByteBackwards(i + 2) == 0x01

                && GetByteBackwards(i + 3) == marker)


                return i;



        return -1;



    bool MarkerExistsAt(out int offset, byte marker, int from) // self explanatory / see above


        offset = -1;

        for (int i = from; i < _fileSize - 4; i++)


            if (GetByte(i) == 0x00

                && GetByte(i + 1) == 0x00

                && GetByte(i + 2) == 0x01

                && GetByte(i + 3) == marker)


                offset = i;

                return true;



        return false;



    int FindNextMarker(int from, byte marker) // overloaded method / see above


        int offset = from;

        while (from >= 0 && from < _fileSize - 4)


            offset = FindNextMarker(from);


            if (offset == -1)


                return -1;


            else if (MarkerExistsAt(out offset, marker, from))


                return offset;







        return -1;



    int FindNextMarker(int from, ref byte marker) // see above


        int offset = FindNextMarker(from);

        if (offset > -1)


            marker = GetByte(offset + 3);

            return offset;


        return -1;



    int FindNextMarker(int from) // see above


        int offset;

        for (offset = from; offset < (_fileSize - 4); offset++)


            if (

                (GetByte(offset + 0) == 0x00) &&

                (GetByte(offset + 1) == 0x00) &&

                (GetByte(offset + 2) == 0x01))


                return offset;



        return -1;



    bool hasAudio = false;

    void ParseSystem(int offset)


        bool keepGoing = true;

        byte mark = 0x00;


        if (EnsureMPEG(out offset, 0xBA)) // make sure we'r parsing a mpeg header


            //FindMuxRate(offset + 4);


            int packLength = 0;

            int packetSize = 0;

            byte packetType = new byte();


            while (keepGoing)


                offset = FindNextMarker(offset, ref mark);


                if (offset == -1)


                    break; // valid marker not found



                if (mark == VIDEO_PACKET || mark == AUDIO_PACKET)


                    break; // end of system header



                if (mark == PADDING_PACKET)


                    offset += GetSize(offset + 4);




                if (mark == 0xBA)


                    FindMuxRate(offset + 4);

                    offset += 12;




                if (mark != SYSTEM_PACKET)


                    offset += 4;




                int startOfPack = FindNextMarker(offset, 0xBA);

                if (startOfPack != -1)


                    if ((GetByte(startOfPack + 4) & 0xF0) == 0x20)


                        packLength = 12; // mpeg 1




                        if ((GetByte(startOfPack + 4) & 0xC0) == 0x40)


                            // mpeg 2 pack + stuffing

                            packLength = 14 + (GetByte(startOfPack + 13) & 0x07);




                            packLength = 12; // somethings not right





                if (startOfPack == -1 || (startOfPack + packLength != offset))


                    //Trace(string.Format("-debug- startOfPack: {0}, packLength: {1}, offset: {2}",

                    //   startOfPack, packLength, offset));


                    startOfPack = offset;

                    //return; keep going anyway



                // TODO: Implement ParseSystemPacket


                packetSize = GetSize(offset + 4);

                packetType = GetByte(offset + 12);


                //Trace(string.Format("-debug- packetSize: {0}, packetType: {1}, packLength: {2}, offset: {3}",

                //    packetSize, packetType, packLength, offset));


                if (GetByte(offset + 15) == AUDIO_PACKET || GetByte(offset + 15) == VIDEO_PACKET)


                    packetType = VIDEO_PACKET;



                if (packetType == AUDIO_PACKET)


                    // TODO: Implement this if needed


                else if (packetType == VIDEO_PACKET)


                    // here we are finally!, this part will fix up the durations

                    if (packLength == 12)


                        _initialTS = ReadTS(offset - packLength); // find the initial timestamp

                        _mpeg2Found = false; // pack 12 so its not mpeg 2




                        _initialTS = ReadTSMpeg2(offset - packLength);

                        _mpeg2Found = true;



                    //Trace(string.Format("-debug- initial ts: {0}", _initialTS));


                offset += 4; // keep going




        /* hopefully it gets to here without crashing :P

        * start searching from the end of the file and -12 because a pack is usually 12 bytes long


        int lastPack = FindMarkerBackwards((int)_fileSize - 13, 0xBA);


        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- lastPack: {0}", lastPack));


        double duration;

        if ((GetByte(lastPack + 4) & 0xF0) == 0x20)


            duration = ReadTS(lastPack + 4); // mpeg 1




            lastPack = FindMarkerBackwards((int)_fileSize - 8, 0xB8);


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- lastPack 2: {0}", lastPack));


            if (((GetByte(lastPack + 4) & 0xC0) == 0x40) || _mpeg2Found)


                lastPack = FindMarkerBackwards((int)_fileSize - 8, 0xBA);


                //Trace(string.Format("-debug- lastPack 3: {0}", lastPack));


                duration = ReadTSMpeg2(lastPack + 4);




                duration = ReadTSMpeg2(lastPack + 4);




        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- duration before: {0}", duration));

        duration -= _initialTS; // fix up the duration

        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- duration after: {0}", duration));


        if (this.VideoInfo.Duration > 0)


            if (this.VideoInfo.Duration > duration)


                this.VideoInfo.Duration = duration; // only update if existing is more than current




        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video duration: {0}", SecondsToHMS(this.VideoInfo.Duration)));



    double ReadTS(int offset)


        byte highBit;

        UInt32 low4Bytes; // needs to be UInt32 otherwise won't work

        double ts;


        highBit = (byte)((GetByte(offset) >> 3) & 0x01);


        low4Bytes = (UInt32)(((GetByte(offset) >> 1) & 0x03) << 30);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)(GetByte(offset + 1) << 22);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)((GetByte(offset + 2) >> 1) << 15);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)(GetByte(offset + 3) << 7);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)(GetByte(offset + 4) >> 1);


        ts = (double)(highBit * FLOAT_0x10000 * FLOAT_0x10000);

        ts += (double)(low4Bytes);

        ts /= (double)STD_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ;


        return ts;



    double ReadTSMpeg2(int offset)


        byte highBit;

        UInt32 low4Bytes;

        UInt32 sysClockRef;

        double ts;


        highBit = (byte)((GetByte(offset) & 0x20) >> 5);


        low4Bytes = (UInt32)(((GetByte(offset) & 0x18) >> 3) << 30);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)((GetByte(offset) & 0x03) << 28);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)(GetByte(offset + 1) << 20);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)((GetByte(offset + 2) & 0xF8) << 12);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)((GetByte(offset + 2) & 0x03) << 13);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)(GetByte(offset + 3) << 5);

        low4Bytes |= (UInt32)(GetByte(offset + 4) >> 3);


        sysClockRef = (UInt32)((GetByte(offset + 4) & 0x3) << 7);

        sysClockRef |= (UInt32)((GetByte(offset + 5) >> 1));


        ts = (double)(highBit * FLOAT_0x10000 * FLOAT_0x10000);

        ts += (double)low4Bytes;


        // TODO: fix this up (confirm with mpgtx first)

        if (sysClockRef == 0)


            ts /= (double)STD_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ;




            ts /= (double)STD_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ;



        return ts;



    void FindMuxRate(int offset)


        int muxrate = 0;

        if ((GetByte(offset) & 0xC0) == 0x40)


            muxrate = GetByte(offset + 6) << 14;

            muxrate |= GetByte(offset + 7) << 6;

            muxrate |= GetByte(offset + 8) >> 2;





            if ((GetByte(offset) & 0xF0) != 0x20)


                //Trace("-debug- invalid offset for mux rate");


            muxrate = (GetByte(offset + 5) & 0x7F) << 15;

            muxrate |= (GetByte(offset + 6) << 7);

            muxrate |= (GetByte(offset + 7) >> 1);


        muxrate *= 50;

        this.VideoInfo.MuxRate = (double)((muxrate * 8.0) / 1000000.0);


        //Trace(string.Format("system mux rate: {0} mbps", this.VideoInfo.MuxRate.ToString("n2")));



    void ParseAudio()


        int offset = 0;

        hasAudio = false;


        //            Trace("starting to parse audio");


        offset = FindNextMarker(0, 0xC0); // find the audio marker


        if (offset <= -1)





        if (offset > -1)


            offset += 13;



        //            Trace(string.Format("offset of audio: {0}", offset));


        if (!ParseAudio(offset))


            //                Trace("failed to parse audio");


            while ((offset < _fileSize - 10) && !hasAudio) // go through the file until we find an audio marker


                //                    Trace(string.Format("looping to find audio offset: {0}", offset));


                if ((GetByte(offset) == 0xFF) && (GetByte(offset + 1) & 0xF0) == 0xF0) // found the proper sequence


                    if (ParseAudio(offset))


                        //                            Trace("found audio");

                        //this.AudioInfo.Frames++; this doesn't work right

                        hasAudio = true;



                offset++; // try next offset




        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio frames: {0}", this.AudioInfo.Frames));



    bool ParseAudio(int offset)


        hasAudio = false;


        bool mpeg25 = false;

        if ((GetByte(offset + 0) != 0xFF) || ((GetByte(offset + 1) & 0xF0) != 0xF0)) // see if this has mpeg 2.5


            if ((GetByte(offset + 0) != 0xFF) || ((GetByte(offset + 1) & 0xE0) != 0xE0))


                return false; // invalid sequence exit and try a different offset




                mpeg25 = true;




        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- offset: {0}", offset));

        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- mpeg25: {0}", mpeg25));


        if (Convert.ToBoolean((GetByte(offset + 1) & 0x08)))


            if (!mpeg25)


                this.AudioInfo.Version = 1.0d;




                //                    Trace(string.Format("-debug- invalid 01"));

                return false; // invalid version exit and try a different offset





            if (!mpeg25)


                this.AudioInfo.Version = 2.0d;




                this.AudioInfo.Version = 3.0d; // for 2.5




        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio version: {0}", this.AudioInfo.Version));


        this.AudioInfo.Layer = (GetByte(offset + 1) & 0x06) >> 1;


        switch (this.AudioInfo.Layer)


            case 0:

                this.AudioInfo.Layer = -1;

                return false; // invalid layer exit and try a different offset


            case 1:

                this.AudioInfo.Layer = 3;


            case 2:

                this.AudioInfo.Layer = 2;


            case 3:

                this.AudioInfo.Layer = 1;



                this.AudioInfo.Layer = -1;

                return false;




        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio layer: {0}", this.AudioInfo.Layer));


        // TODO: confirm if 0 is true or 1 is true, mpgtx has 0 is false and 1 is true?

        this.AudioInfo.Protected = Convert.ToBoolean(GetByte(offset + 1) & 0x01);


        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio protection: {0}", this.AudioInfo.Protected));


        int bitrateIndex = GetByte(offset + 2) >> 4;

        int samplingIndex = (GetByte(offset + 2) & 0x0F) >> 2;


        if (samplingIndex >= 3) { return false; } // invalid indexes, try another offset

        if (bitrateIndex == 15) { return false; }


        this.AudioInfo.BitRate = BitRateIndex[(int)this.AudioInfo.Version - 1, this.AudioInfo.Layer - 1, bitrateIndex];

        this.AudioInfo.ByteRate = (float)((this.AudioInfo.BitRate * 1000) / 8.0d);

        this.AudioInfo.SamplingRate = SamplingIndex[(int)this.AudioInfo.Version - 1, samplingIndex];


        if (this.AudioInfo.BitRate <= 0

            || this.AudioInfo.ByteRate <= 0

            || this.AudioInfo.SamplingRate <= 0) { return false; }


        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio bit rate: {0}", this.AudioInfo.BitRate));

        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio byte rate: {0}", this.AudioInfo.ByteRate));

        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio sampling rate: {0}", this.AudioInfo.SamplingRate));


        if (Convert.ToBoolean(GetByte(offset + 2) & 0x02))


            this.AudioInfo.Padding = true;




            this.AudioInfo.Padding = false;



        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio padding: {0}", this.AudioInfo.Padding));


        this.AudioInfo.ModeCode = GetByte(offset + 3) >> 6;


        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio mode: {0}", ModeIndex[this.AudioInfo.ModeCode]));


        //TODO: add matching mode extension text

        int modeExt = (GetByte(offset + 3) >> 4) & 0x03;


        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio modeext: {0}", modeExt));


        if (Convert.ToBoolean(GetByte(offset + 3) & 0x08))


            this.AudioInfo.Copyright = true;




            this.AudioInfo.Copyright = false;



        //Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio copyright: {0}", this.AudioInfo.Copyright));


        if (Convert.ToBoolean(GetByte(offset + 3) & 0x04))


            this.AudioInfo.Original = true;




            this.AudioInfo.Original = false;



        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio original: {0}", this.AudioInfo.Original));


        this.AudioInfo.EmphasisIndex = GetByte(offset + 3) & 0x03;


        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio emphasis index: {0}",



        if (this.AudioInfo.Version == 1)


            if (this.AudioInfo.Layer == 1)


                this.AudioInfo.FrameLength =

                    ((48000 * this.AudioInfo.BitRate) / this.AudioInfo.SamplingRate)

                + 4 * Convert.ToInt32(this.AudioInfo.Padding);




                this.AudioInfo.FrameLength =

                   ((144000 * this.AudioInfo.BitRate) / this.AudioInfo.SamplingRate)

               + Convert.ToInt32(this.AudioInfo.Padding);



        else if (this.AudioInfo.Version == 2)


            if (this.AudioInfo.Layer == 1)


                this.AudioInfo.FrameLength =

                    ((24000 * this.AudioInfo.BitRate) / this.AudioInfo.SamplingRate)

                + 4 * Convert.ToInt32(this.AudioInfo.Padding);




                this.AudioInfo.FrameLength =

                   ((72000 * this.AudioInfo.BitRate) / this.AudioInfo.SamplingRate)

               + Convert.ToInt32(this.AudioInfo.Padding);





            //                Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio layer is invalid"));

            return false;



        if (this.AudioInfo.Protected)


            // frame length sometimes gets offset by +- 2, got to find out why its happening, most likely its the protection switch (see above)

            this.AudioInfo.FrameLength += 2;



        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio frame length: {0}", this.AudioInfo.FrameLength));


        this.AudioInfo.Duration = ((_fileSize * 1.0d) / this.AudioInfo.BitRate) * 0.008d;


        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- audio duration: {0}", SecondsToHMS(this.AudioInfo.Duration)));




        hasAudio = true;

        return hasAudio;



    bool ParseVideo(int offset)


        bool foundVideo = false;


        //            Trace(string.Format("-debug- file size: {0}", _fileSize));


        if (EnsureMPEG(out offset, 0xB3))


            foundVideo = true;



        if (foundVideo)


            //                Trace(string.Format("-debug- offset: {0}", offset));

            offset += 4; // move to the header location


            this.VideoInfo.Width = GetSize(offset) >> 4;

            this.VideoInfo.Height = GetSize(offset + 1) & 0x0FFF;


            //                Trace(string.Format("-debug- video height: {0}", this.VideoInfo.Height));

            //                Trace(string.Format("-debug- video width: {0}", this.VideoInfo.Width));


            offset += 3;

            int frameRateIndex = GetByte(offset) & 0x0F;

            if (frameRateIndex > 8)


                this.VideoInfo.FrameRate = 0.0d;




                this.VideoInfo.FrameRate = FrameRateIndex[frameRateIndex];



            //                Trace(string.Format("-debug- video frame rate: {0}", this.VideoInfo.FrameRate));


            this.VideoInfo.AspectRatioCode = (GetByte(offset) & 0xF0) >> 4;

            if (this.VideoInfo.AspectRatioCode <= 4)


                this.VideoInfo.AspectRatio = AspectRatioIndex[this.VideoInfo.AspectRatioCode];




                this.VideoInfo.AspectRatio = "Unknown";



            //                Trace(string.Format("-debug- video aspect ratio code: {0}, string: {1}",

            //this.VideoInfo.AspectRatioCode, this.VideoInfo.AspectRatio));



            offset += 1;


            this.VideoInfo.BitRate = GetSize(offset);

            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video bit rate: {0}", this.VideoInfo.BitRate));

            this.VideoInfo.BitRate <<= 2;

            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video bit rate: {0}", this.VideoInfo.BitRate));

            byte lastTwo = GetByte(offset + 2);

            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video lastTwo: {0}", lastTwo));

            lastTwo >>= 6;

            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video lastTwo: {0}", lastTwo));

            this.VideoInfo.BitRate |= lastTwo;


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video bit rate: {0}", this.VideoInfo.BitRate));


            this.VideoInfo.Duration = (_fileSize) /

                ((this.VideoInfo.BitRate * 400) / 8.0); // this gets fixed later when ParseSystem runs


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video duration: {0}", SecondsToHMS(this.VideoInfo.Duration)));


            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video speed: {0} Mbps",

            //(this.VideoInfo.BitRate / 2500).ToString("n2"))); // always 15mb/s?


            // this part is needed to find video format and chroma format

            byte mark = new byte();

            while (true)


                offset = FindNextMarker(offset, ref mark);

                if (offset > -1)


                    if (mark == 0xB8) { break; }

                    switch (GetByte(offset + 3))


                        case 0xB5:









                    //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video offset is -1"));






            switch (this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormat)


                case 1:

                    this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormatText = "4:2:0";


                case 2:

                    this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormatText = "4:2:2";


                case 3:

                    this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormatText = "4:4:4";



                    this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormatText = "Unknown";




            switch (this.VideoInfo.Format)


                case 0:

                    this.VideoInfo.FormatText = "Component";


                case 1:

                    this.VideoInfo.FormatText = "PAL";


                case 2:

                    this.VideoInfo.FormatText = "NTSC";


                case 3:

                    this.VideoInfo.FormatText = "SECAM";


                case 4:

                    this.VideoInfo.FormatText = "MAC";


                case 5:

                    this.VideoInfo.FormatText = "Unspecified";



                    this.VideoInfo.FormatText = "Unknown";




            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video chroma format: {0} is {1}",

            //    this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormat, this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormatText));

            //Trace(string.Format("-debug- video format: {0} is {1}",

            //    this.VideoInfo.Format, this.VideoInfo.FormatText));


            //CountVideoFrames();// slows down the routine


            // Trace(string.Format("-debug- video frames: {0}", this.VideoInfo.Frames));



        return true;



    // remove this and use TimeSpan

    string SecondsToHMS(double duration)


        int hours = (int)(duration / 3600);

        int mins = (int)((duration / 60) - (hours * 60));

        double seconds = duration - 60 * mins - 3600 * hours;


        if (hours != 0)


            return string.Format("{0:n0}h {1:n0}m {2:n2}s", hours, mins, seconds);


        if (mins != 0)


            return string.Format("{0:n0}m {1:n2}s", mins, seconds);


        return string.Format("{0:n2}s", seconds);



    void CountVideoFrames() // slow, find a better way of doing this


        byte[] buffer = new byte[4];

        _br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);


        int read = 0;

        while ((read = _br.Read(buffer, 0, 4)) != 0)


            if (buffer[0] == 0x00

                && buffer[1] == 0x00

                && buffer[2] == 0x01

                && buffer[3] == 0x00)







    void CountVideoGopHeaders() // slow, find a better way of doing this


        byte[] buffer = new byte[4];

        _br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);


        int read = 0;

        while ((read = _br.Read(buffer, 0, 4)) != 0)


            if (buffer[0] == 0x00

                && buffer[1] == 0x00

                && buffer[2] == 0x01

                && buffer[3] == 0xB8)







    void ParseExtension(int offset)


        offset += 4;

        switch (GetByte(offset) >> 4)


            case 1: ParseSequenceExt(offset);


            case 2:








    void ParseSequenceExt(int offset)


        _mpegVersion = 2;

        this.VideoInfo.Version = 2;

        this.VideoInfo.ChromaFormat = (GetByte(offset + 1) & 0x06) >> 1;



    void ParseSequenceDisplayExt(int offset)


        this.VideoInfo.Format = (GetByte(offset) & 0x0E) >> 1;



    int SkipPacketHeader(int offset)


        byte mark = new byte();

        if (_mpegVersion == 1)


            offset += 6;

            mark = GetByte(offset);

            while (Convert.ToBoolean(mark & 0x80))


                mark = GetByte(++offset);



            if ((mark & 0xC0) == 0x40)


                offset += 2;



            mark = GetByte(offset);

            if ((mark & 0xF0) == 0x20) { offset += 5; }

            else if ((mark & 0xF0) == 0x30) { offset += 10; }

            else offset++;


            return offset;


        else if (_mpegVersion == 2)


            return (offset + 9 + GetByte(offset + 8));


        else return (offset + 10);



    void Trace(string msg)


        if (this.EnableTrace)






Thanks a lot Diamonddrake :)

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