I want to try to understand the method of using POSIX threads to interact with a sorting algorithm such as the odd-even transposition sort.
I have written my program to do a odd-even transposition sort without threads and this is my current result:
./sort data
File opened successfully.
The numbers are:
Before sort::
20 19 18 17 16 15
After phase 0:
19 20 17 18 15 16
After phase 1:
19 17 20 15 18 16
After phase 2:
17 19 15 20 16 18
After phase 3:
17 15 19 16 20 18
After phase 4:
15 17 16 19 18 20
After phase 5:
15 16 17 18 19 20
After sort::
15 16 17 18 19 20
This is the current part of my code where I am trying to make the threads correctly and do the start function from pthread_create():
int list[20];
int n = 20;
int param[10];
pthread_t threads[10];
void *startPoint( void *arg )
//threads interact with odd-even sorting here
int main(int argc, char** argv)
pthread_attr_t tattr; // thread attributes
pthread_t tid;
readLINE(argv[1]); //reads the data file and loads it into the list array
pthread_attr_init (&tattr);
pthread_attr_setscope (&tattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
display(list, n, "Before sort:");
for(int count = 0; count < n/2; count++)
param[count] = count*2;
pthread_create( &threads[ count], NULL, startPoint, (void*) ¶m[count]);
//Regular sort w/o multi-threading
//Odd_even_sort(list, n);
display(list, n, "After sort:");
I am not really sure how many threads I need to create for each phase of sorting. I can see it visually with a picture, but to implement it is confusing.
Here's a picture:
Also, how do I make the threads interact with the actual sorting procedure after I've created them?