


Is there really a better way to sort a one dimensional array then to just use a simple bubble sort? Ive heard arguments against bubble sort before, but what do you guys think?

Well it depends on what you're doing. 50 years of research and dozens (if not hundreds) of algorithms means there isn't a single "one size fits all".

A 10-slot game highscore table, which is already sorted (except for the entry you just added) doesn't need you to implement anything other than a crude bubble-sort (unless something like qsort is available as a library function).

But a few million records in random order, you'd be bone-head stupid to try using bubblesort on that. The O(n^2) would crucify you.

Depends on how large it is. It works just fine for small arrays -- say 1000 or less. Larger than 10,000 you might want to try something else if the sort takes too long.

Well, sorting a few million random records you would want to use a vector or linked list right(without getting into the technicality of the context)?

commented: OK, Levy. Responding to every post in the forums is not necessary when you have nothing worthwhile to add. -2
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