Like there are authorities like sun which maintains java documentations, which maintains python docs and for others where the developer of the language reference also maintains the documentations of the library and language reference documentations. What is the authoritative entity that maintains the complete c/c++ documentations?

I was looking for c++ specific i/o. But there is no *man* page for it like cin/cout.

There is no one place. For *nix its normally the man pages. You can access them by googling "man function_name". For MS-Windows it would be MSDN. You can also just google for the c++ container class, e.g. fstream. If you want the absolute authority then you will have to BUY a copy of the ISO C++ standards, but from what I have seen of it it's somewhat difficult to read, intended for compiler writers.

> I was looking for c++ specific i/o. But there is no *man* page for it like cin/cout.
If it isn't cin/cout (or more generally, the C++ streams), then it's nothing to do with C++.

For such information, you need to read the additional documentation which comes with your compiler or OS (MSDN for example).

google always works for me :)

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