sorry for the newb questions,
ive got this part of a assignment its instructions are:
"Define a class called Clock
-it has a single, private, data member of type unsigned long called secs
-it has these four public interface methods plus necessary constructors
setClock() accepts nothing, returns nothing
- prompts the user for hours, minutes, and seconds since midnight
- then converts the time to seconds since midnight
-the user may enter any number of hours, minutes, seconds, that is s/he is not limited to 24 hours per day, 60 minutes per hour, or 60 seconds per minute
- the mutator method will use the modulus operator to limit the total number of seconds to 86400 before storing it in secs
setTime() accepts three integers, returns nothing
-send three unsigned, long integers as hours, minutes, seconds
-it sets the clock’s secs data member accordingly
mTime() displays the time in military format (00:00:00 to 23:59:59)
time() displays the time in am/pm format
clock may have private methods that support the interface methods – as you see fit "
so far im working on setClock() i dont even really understand what setTime() would do and havent even stated to think about mtime() or time yet
anyway heres what i have so far
#define UL unsigned long
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Clock
UL secs;
void setClock(int, int, int)
void setTime(void)
void Time()
void mTime()
int main(void) {
return 0;
void Clock::setClock()
UL h, m, s;
cout << "please enter time in hours, minutes and seconds with a space inbetween eg. 23 59 59\n";
cin >> h >> m >> s;
h+=h*3600;//hours to seconds
m+=m*60;//minutes to minutes
s+=s+h+m;//seconds for hours, minutes and minutes
secs = s % 86400;//using modulus so second contains the remainder less than a full day
void Clock::setTime(UL hrs, UL min, UL sec)
h = hrs;
m = min;
s = sec;
am i on the right track with setClock?
i appreciate any help wether it be code or just helping me better understand this stuff