Hello, I'm programming this patcher for my upcoming 2D Game, called Argyus Online. When I compile the patcher it works on my computer but when I execute it to my moms laptop, it give me some error.

I can't translate it to english but I think its something with the Side by Side configuration. Are there any common problem that might be causing it?

Sorry if I've been unclear, I never actually had this before and don't know where to start. I can debug it, but then I have to upload it with a single change in the code and download it at my moms laptop, and that till I found the error, which is pretty unpractical.


I have gotten the Side by Side config problem before. I made a simple program to modify the Windows XP registry Hive files using the Win32 API and it worked fine on my laptop (The comp that I created it on) However on some computers and in a PE enviroment I would get a side by side error. I believe it happens when you dont have the correct C++ runtimes installed, that is just an educated guess though because I actually never figured it out completely

I have gotten the Side by Side config problem before. I made a simple program to modify the Windows XP registry Hive files using the Win32 API and it worked fine on my laptop (The comp that I created it on) However on some computers and in a PE enviroment I would get a side by side error. I believe it happens when you dont have the correct C++ runtimes installed, that is just an educated guess though because I actually never figured it out completely

But do you know why it only tells it at certain programs? Might it be InitCommonControls()? o_o.

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