Hello everyone,
I'm having trouble with a code I need to write, I have never coded in C and I need to do this program in C. I have created my checksum code already and need to implement this:
I need to send a complete ASCII file in 128 byte packets including the checksum. The sender takes the ASCII file as input sends a 128 byte packet on the data queue then waits specified timeout on the control queue for an acknowledgement. If a timeout is incurred the sender sends the packet again - up to three times before giving up.
fsend <msggid1> <msgqid2> <filename>
Receiver Implementation
The receiver shall block on the data queue waiting for packets, once a packet is received the sender shall validate the internet checksum and send an acknowledgement back to the sender on the control queue. If the checksum is invalid the receiver shall request a retransmission.
frecv <msgqid1> <msgqid>
can anyone help?? I am stuck and don't know what to do. Please help me write the code in C. PLEASE!!