Please see this program:

float area(float);
void main(void)
float radius;
printf ("Enter Radius");
scanf ("%d",&radius);
printf ("Area is %f",area(radius));
float area (float rad)
return (4*3.142*rad*rad);

please explain the above program, there no value has been assigned for rad then what does it mean ?
why it has been used ?
and what is mean by area(radius) in line 7

i've read that , the first page was so easy to understand but the 2nd page is so complex and used the source code that i haven't learned yet so how could i understand from your link ?

The variable "rad" is local to the area function. Whatever float is passed in to the area function is called "rad" for the scope of that function.

Your line 7 where it has "area(radius)", it's taking the radius input from the scanf line and passing that variable to the area function.

float area(float);

void main(void)
    float radius;
    printf ("Enter Radius");
    scanf ("%d",&radius);
    printf ("Area is %f",area(radius)); // Call the area function and pass in 

float area (float rad) // Function that takes in a single float and calls it rad
    return (4*3.142*rad*rad);

Functions/methods/procedures are pretty necessary parts of C, so it's something you might want to keep reading on until you fully understand how they work.

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