I'm lost. I've been trying to do this for a while now and I can get halfway what I need. But I can't tell if it's working or not, or where my problem is.

I don't want to use the wizard in VS to add a data source, I'd like to do it all programmatic and I would like my users to be able to browse, edit, add and delete data in a SQL database in a similar way that MS Access works.

This is what I have so far:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace Information_Database_Control_Center
    public partial class EditorAccounts : Form
        BindingSource bindsrc = new BindingSource();

        public EditorAccounts()

        #region On Load Events

        private void EditorAccounts_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Error Handlers

            Messages errors = new Messages();


            #region Connect to Database

            //get default server type
            string ServerType = Properties.Settings.Default.SQLType.ToString();

            //get our connection string
            ConnectionManager ConnectionString = new ConnectionManager();
            string SQLConnectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString(ServerType);
            SqlConnection Connection = new SqlConnection();
            Connection.ConnectionString = SQLConnectionString;

            //try opening the connection
                //connection failed
                //give error message


            #region Retrieve Data

                SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM accounts", Connection);
                SqlDataAdapter adrQuery = new SqlDataAdapter(query);
                DataSet dsQuery = new DataSet();

                bindsrc.DataSource = dsQuery;

                DataNavigator.BindingSource = bindsrc;

                companycode.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindsrc, "companycode");
            catch (Exception x)



No errors are given except on the line companycode.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindsrc, "companycode"); and that error is: "Cannot bind to the property or column companycode on the DataSource. Parameter name: dataMember"

All I have on the form is a data navigator and a blank text box. I want the value of the text box to change according to the record.

What am I missing?

Try this,

public partial class EditorAccounts : Form
        BindingSource bindsrc;

        public EditorAccounts()
        private void EditorAccounts_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Messages errors = new Messages();
            //get default server type
            string ServerType = Properties.Settings.Default.SQLType.ToString();

            //get our connection string
            ConnectionManager ConnectionString = new ConnectionManager();
            string SQLConnectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString(ServerType);
            SqlConnection Connection = new SqlConnection();
            Connection.ConnectionString = SQLConnectionString;

           SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM accounts", Connection);
           SqlDataAdapter adrQuery = new SqlDataAdapter(query);
           DataSet dsQuery = new DataSet();

           bindsrc=new BindingSource(dsQuery,"accounts");

           DataNavigator.BindingSource = bindsrc;

           companycode.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindsrc, "companycode");


That works beautifully! Thank you!

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