I'm an experienced programmer of 5 years in Java & C#, but recently I decided to program in C++ as well. I'm familiar with proper code syntax and advanced programming techniques, but this compiler error i'm getting just stumps me beyond recognition, I've analyzed my code for syntax errors a hundredfold and I simply don't see a fault in it.
The compiler generates 'fatal error C1004: unexpected end-of-file found'.
This is a wrapper for a Direct3D D3DCOLOR.
Code snippet(color.cpp):
// Copyright (C) Gamerbros Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma comment(lib,"d3d9.lib")
#include <d3d9.h>
typedef unsigned char byte;
// (class)Color definition
class Color{
byte a, r, g, b;
// Constructor with all red, green, blue, and alpha values set to separate values.
Color(byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue){ setColor(alpha, red, green, blue); }
// Constructor with red, green, and blue values set to separate values. Alpha is 255.
Color(byte red, byte green, byte blue){ setColor(255, red, green, blue); }
// Constructor with red, green, and blue values set by a single value, and alpha set separately.
Color(byte alpha, byte value){ setColor(alpha, value, value, value); }
// Constructor with red, green, and blue values set by a single value.
Color(byte value){ setColor(value, value, value, value); }
// Constructor with color values set by a color, and alpha set separately.
Color(Color color, byte alpha){ setColor(alpha, color.r, color.g, color.b); }
// Constructor with red, green, and blue values set by a D3DCOLOR value.
Color(D3DCOLOR color){ setD3DColor(color); }
// Sets this colors values to the values of the new color.
void setColor(Color color){
setColor(color.a, color.r, color.g, color.b;);
// Sets the alpha, red, green, and blue values of this color.
void setColor(byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue){
a = alpha;
r = red;
g = green;
b = blue;
// Gets the alpha value of this color.
byte getAlpha(){ return a; }
// Sets the alpha value of this color.
void setAlpha(byte alpha){ a = alpha; }
// Gets the red value of this color.
byte getRed(){ return r; }
// Sets the red value of thie color.
void setRed(byte red){ r = red; }
// Gets the green value of this color.
byte getGreen(){ return g; }
// Sets the green value of this color.
void setGreen(byte green){ g = green; }
// Gets the blue value of this color.
byte getBlue(){ return b; }
// Sets the blue value of this color.
void setBlue(byte blue){ b = blue; }
// Gets a D3DCOLOR copy of this color.
D3DCOLOR getD3DColor(){ return D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a, r, g, b); }
// Sets the values of this color based on a D3DCOLOR
void setD3DColor(D3DCOLOR d3DColor){
a = d3DColor >> 24;
r = (d3DColor >> 16) & 0xFF;
g = (d3DColor >> 8) & 0xFF;
b = d3DColor & 0xFF;
// Gets a gradient of a percentage of this color and another.
Color getFromGradient(Color to, float percentage){ return createGradient(*(new Color(a, r, g, b)), to, percentage); }
// Sets this color to a gradient of a percentage of two colors.
void setFromGradient(Color from, Color to, float percentage){ setColor(createGradient(from, to, percentage)); }
// Creates a gradient of a percentage of two colors.
Color createGradient(Color from, Color to, float percentage){
byte red = (byte)(from.r + (percentage * (to.r - from.r)));
byte green = (byte)(from.g + (percentage * (to.g - from.g)));
byte blue = (byte)(from.b + (percentage * (to.b - from.b)));
return *(new Color(red, green, blue));
Originally this was split into a header and source file, with class Color being declared in the header and defined in the source.
I removed that to simplify this post.
Any clear help will be very appreciated, and special thanks to the experts and professionals that take the time to look at an amateur c++ programmers problem.